Chapter 18

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-Tassia's POV-

It took another two days for us to switch back, which in my opinion was a complete waste of time. We could have been doing cases and other hunts... oh well.

We had started traveling anyways, and now, Sam and Ash went to check something out at the library and Dean went to go get food.

"Ahhh! Eeeekkk!" I squeal jumping around on the hotel bed happily, Cas and Gabriel watching in amusement.

"You okay there, Tass?" Gabriel asks, eating a lolipop.

"Yes! More than happy! Jesus, it's good to be back!" I squeal again, plopping on my stomach, my wings back. Even though I've already been part angel, getting it back after having Ashley's demon side, it almost felt like the first time I was trying it out.

"I can see that." Gabriel smirks.

"You know when Dean's coming back?" I sigh propping my chin on my hands looking at the two.

"Well, Dean is coming soon. As for the other two..." Gabriel says peaking out the window. Castiel sighs and covers his face as I hear footsteps, yet the door never opens, but I do hear a light thud.

"They're coming, right?" I squint, smirking slightly, at the door.

"Oh. They are already here." Cas says peeking out the window with Gabriel.

"Ugh. Fine, I'll get the door for them." I roll my eyes. Gabriel is about to object but I swing the door open anyways.

Ashley nearly falls in, since she was pressed against the door by Sam, but Sam catches her, holding her waist.

"Er, wrong room?" Sam tries to make up an "excuse". I cross my arms smiling at them.

"Whatever. I want to sleep next to Ashley tonight though." I smirk turning away, Gabriel and I snickering.

"Why?" Ash replies quickly, and then she blushes at Sam, who's staring down at her with a smile. "Not that its a problem." She adds just as quickly.

"Well, one, I miss my baby," I grab her and hug her as she tries to pull away, "two, we need some girl time and alone time, and three," I smirk at Sam with Gabriel trying to hold in his laughing fit in the back, "so you two won't do anything... or each other." I smirk as Ashley slaps my chest, gasping, Sam sighing, and Gabriel and I bursting out laughing.

"I don't really understand..." Castiel says tilting his head slightly.

"I'll tell you when you're older, Cassy." Ashley laughs.

"I am older than you." He states.

"And I'm older than all of you!" Gabriel laughs.

"Grandpa." Ash and I say at the same time, which we look at each other, high five-ing at our synchronization.

"It sure is good to be myself again." Ash sighs, but looks at me with a closed smile, "No offense. The wings are cool though."

"None taken, and I know right?" I shrug, my wings pressed tightly to my back, still invisible to everyone in the room.

"Alright, what are we doing tomorrow, guys?" I sigh, laying on one of the beds.

"Don't know yet. We should search the news and online for anything suspiscious." Sam sighs leaning against Ash.

"Hold on, Gigantor! You're much bigger than me! Don't crush me!" She yells as Sam leans farther and farther onto her.

"Oh no, the gravity... is slowly... increasing..." he jokes and Ash collapses onto the floor with Sam on top as she groans.

The lights start to flicker slightly, and I smirk.

"Hey, what's with the lights?" Sam asks still laying on Ash, who's now hiding her face, the lights flickering more.

"Well. Strong emotions trigger her demon side." I smirk.

The lights start to flicker even more when we hear the familiar car pull up in front of the hotel.

"I could say the same for you, hot shot." She smirks back at me.

The door opens and I jump up and hug Dean. Again, still feeling a little new, so controlling some stuff was hard.

"Whoa, hello Tass." He chuckles kissing my forehead.

I lean back to look at his face and ask, "Why'd you do that?" I smile bashfully, nearly forgetting our audience.

"One, cause I can, and two, cause Ash-"

"Shut up!" Ash yells at him, chucking a pillow. I roll my eyes, knowing Ash told him to, and Ash gets up, pushing me aside, falling on the bed.

"Hey!" I laugh.

"Where's the food, squirrel?" She jokes, holding her hand out, now infront of the youngest Winchester brother.

"Right here, jeesh." He smiles, rolling his eyes handing over the 4 bags of food. Smelled like burgers and fries again, which made me happy.

"Well don't give her all of it!" I yelp grabbing two bags out of her hands before shestole it all. That girl can eat, let me tell you what.

She skips over to the bed where I am and sits next to me.

"Mind sharing a bag with me?" Sam asks walking over.

"Hmm, I don't know... that increase in gravity only allows you to eat so little..." she smiles cheesily at him.

He gives her a puppy dog look and she pouts.

"Damn, I don't know who's more guilt tripping, Sam's look or Ashley's..." Dean says.

"Fine. I'll give you one bag." She smiles and she goes to give it to him, before she reaches inside the bag, grabbing a fry and eating it quickly.

I toss a bag to Dean and Gabriel sighs.

"Well little bro, guess this is our cue to leave. See ya around guys. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Gabriel winks, then pauses. "Actually do what I wouldn't do." He laughs and snaps his fingers, disappearing. That dirty angel.

Cas waves goodbye and with a blink, he's gone.

"Well, after we eat, let's get some sleep. We've got a case tomorrow. " I sigh, grabbing my burger from the bag.

"You got one already? Sam asks me to which I nod.

After we eat, we all take turns getting dressed and stuff in the bathroom before we lay down. As the lights turn off, I see Ashley staring at me.

"What?" I whisper, squinting at her.

"Nothing." She smiles.

"You're a weirdo...." I roll my eyes.

"Well, what's the case tomorrow?" She says quietly, as I hear light snores from the other side of the room.

"Oh... well... you know that flashy place down the street? I found out it's owned by an old friend of ours, Emily." I smile mischieviously.

"Okay, and?" She prods on, searching for more details.

"Well..." I smirk at her, trailing off.

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