Chapter 16

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(Filler chapter, I guess XD )

-Ashley's POV-

Sam and I, well Sam carried me 'cause my back was ten times worse today, went to the kitchen and waited for Dean and Tass to pop up.

"So, how's your back? Or wings?" Sam asks leaning against the counter.

"Very bad. Worse than yesterday. " I mumble.

He grunts in reply and opens the fridge and sighs.

"Dammit..." he says shutting it.

"What?" I say looking up at him.

"No food." He shrugs.

"Look in that- ouch." I wince going to point, "well the cabinet above the microwave." I sigh. He opens it and huffs, irritated.
"Nope." He grumbles, sinking into the chair next to mine. I lay my head on his arm, him still being taller than me in the chair and sigh.

Dean and Tass enter the kitchen, Tassia already looking calmer.

"Feeling better?" I ask Tass

"Yeah. Way less aggressive." She says going to the fridge.

"Nothing in there..." Sam mumbles just as Tass cracked the door open. She sighed and closed it, going to the cabinet above the microwave.

"Nothing in there as well..." I sigh.

"Grr..." she rolls her eyes, sitting on the counter instead.

"So. You two have fun last night?" Sam smirks, waiting for them to be embarrassed.

"Oh yeah. We were at each other all night, round after round, after r-" Dean replies, seeing the smirk from Tass.

"Okay, okay, you got me, gross." Sam winced, covering his head.

"I totally knew you two would get together." I smile at them.

They glance at each other and Tass looks at me.

"You mean together together right?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. What else?" I say, not moving. As they glance at each other, and then immediately look away, Sam and I lift our heads in confusion.

Tassia clears her throat and jumps off the counter.

"Well. I'm just gonna go over here." She says and walks out of the kitchen.

"Dean?" Sam asks him as Dean looks away from us, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Er, yes?" He asks innocently.

"You two aren't even dating are you. Damn..." I say sighing, hitting my head against the counter lightly.

"Dude. I thought we talked about this. At the bar?" Sam sighs.

"Yeah I know, and we had wonderful-" Dean sighs but Sam shuts him up with a hand.

"You do like her right? She's not some one night stand, Dean, she's not a toy you can toss-" I start lecturing him but he sighs heavily.

"Listen, I never said that. I don't even want this to be a once or twice thing and then be done. I can't, she's got me on the tip of my toes, and I can't shake off this feeling I've got..." he rambles.

"Wow, that's really deep, Dean." I smile.

"Oh shut up..."

"I'm surprised though. You guys we're going at it all night and- " Sam says and we both look at Dean, who's rubbing his neck, coughing slightly.

"Hold up, you guys never-" I say wide eyed but Dean coughs louder.

"No. " he grumbles.

"But, we heard you two before we left..." Sam mutters.

"No. All we we're doing when you came in was kissing, and maybe the occasional hand-up-the-shirt thing, but then we started fighting, yelling at each other, throwing things... until she fell asleep..." he mutters, rolling his eyes at our jaws dropped to the floor.

"Well then you better get a move on before some other man swoops her up." I sigh.

"Like who?" He grumbles.

"I don't know, some guy at a bar? Another demon? Castiel?" I blurt.

As soon as I say that, Cas and Tass enter the kitchen laughing, Cas's hand around her waist. I could tell it was friendly, but Dean saw it as competition.

I give him a 'see-what-I-mean?' look and he rolls his eyes as if saying 'I-know-I-know.' Tass lightly shoves Castiel with her shoulder and he shakes him head, smiling, as Dean's jaw clenches.

"Hello Sam, Dean, Ashley." Cas smiles lightly.

"Morning Cas." Sam and I mumble, while Dean stays quiet.

It goes quiet and I sigh.

"Okay then. Hey Cas, you mind if we have a word?" I ask him.

"I do not mind. Where at exactly?" He asks coming closer, lifting me up bridal style. As he starts to leave, I get a look at Sam, his jaw also clenched shut too.

"Just over in the bedroom." I nod over towards the bedroom door.

He sets me on Dean and Tassia's bed and sits next to me.

"Look, you do know Dean likes Tassia, right?" I say trying to keep still, my back still feeling like fire is spreading through it.

"Of course. I can see it in their eyes, how they look at each other." He nods.

"Yeah. Well it's not really helping Dean feel too confident when you're that close with Tass... " I say sadly, patting his hand.

"But I am not in intercourse with her or anything. We are simply friends." He says, frowning.

"Yeah I know, but Dean doesn't see it like that."

"Okay. I will not be as 'close' with her. How are your wings forming?" He asks.

"Painful. Utterly, dreadfully painful." I mutter.

"They are turning out beautiful though." He says looking behind me.

"Thanks. I wouldn't know." I mutter not even looking back. "How long till they're fully grown and Tass and I can switch?" I ask leaning on him, signing.

"Well, by the looks of them, only a few more hours."

I turn to look at my back, when I, all of a sudden, see white and gold feathers, peaking out of my back.

"Holy- I can see them!" I smile.

"Yeah. The worst part is over, now just a few more hours and they'll be... hmm..." Castiel gets up and looks at me and my wings.

"Uh, whatcha doin'?" I ask eyeing him.

He walks toward the door and into the hallway. He puts his hand out three fourths of the way in the hallway.

"Right about here."

"Huh?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Your wings, they'll end about here for you." He says entering the room again.

"Woah... that's huge..." my eyes widen.

"You should see Gabriel's wings." Castiel suggests.

"Wouldn't that burn my eyes?" I question shakily getting up.

"Uh, well maybe..." he shrugs, holding his elbow out for me to grab onto.

"Alright, let's rock and roll!" I say loudly stumbling out of the room with Cas at my side.

The Sisters (A Sam Winhester & Dean Winchester Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora