↠↠ Personal Style

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Finding your own personal style is an endless cycle. I personally change my style every time I feel like I'm not comfortable and happy anymore. I used to follow trends and such even I don't really feel fine wearing them. We tend to purchase and wear whatever is 'in'.

The first thing I always do to find my own style is to know what I really want, as of the moment I love bohemian, 90's and k-fashion or even j-fashion. I love layering which is not really appropriate into this kind of weather. I love simple get-up and those 'you don't put effort in it look but you really put an effort' kind of style.

Finding an inspiration is one of the keys. I mostly browse pinterest and tumblr for inspiration. I saved the pictures that really inspires me and browse them whenever I need fashion help or every time I need to buy new clothes which was very rare at this point. Below is the screenshot from my phone which is my fashion inspiration album.

 Below is the screenshot from my phone which is my fashion inspiration album

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Collect all the clothes and de-clutter everything you don't really need. This is the tricky moment for me since when I did this; it was so hard to pick which clothes I really don't need any more. It looks like everything in my closet didn't describe who I am anymore. I did DIY's on some of the clothes that deserve new look- mostly old jeans and pants.

I personally love thrifting. When I was living in an apartment in Quezon City for my internship, there was an amazing thrift store near my place and I bought so many clothes from there. And I always want to go back there and purchase though I really don't have much time because of work and everything. Thrift stores near in my places are all expensive for a second hand items. The prices range like a new clothes which is not reasonable at all.


Patricia ☕🍂

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