Plan A accomplished.

Start from the beginning

Des: I guess its because we didnt want to admit that we were in love with each other. *locks her fingers with Ray's*

He mouthed: WHAT ? And she shrugged.

Steph: Soo.. Are we going inside or ?

Des: WE are about to go inside , where are you going ?

Steph: Listen Des.. Dont think you are all that because you date Ray now.

Des: Hahaha , I guess you dont know me because I was all that before I dated him ! *gets in her face*

Steph: Stay out of my personal space.. *turns around and walks away*

Roc: Where is popcorn when you need one ? Damn..

Ray: Mannn.. Ayee , Des. You wanna come in ?

Des: Euhm.. Sure. Im not doing anything so why not ?

Roc: Im about to leave. I really need to see Joyce.

Des: What about Chi-

Ray: Babe , shut up !' *Unlocks the frontdoor*

Des: HAHAHA , you just said 'babe'.. *Goes inside*

Ray: I.. Ugh.. I'll see you later bruh , thanks !

Roc: No problem ! See ya. *gets in his car and drives away*

:: INSIDE ::

Destiny is texting Gabriella. She has been texting with her ALL DAY LONG ! They are getting so close all of a sudden. Destiny was still texting her when Ray walked in.

Ray: Looks like im interrupting a conversation..

Des: No.. I was talking to Gabriella , that girl from the diner.

Ray: You mean the girl from 5th grade ?

Des: You remember her too ?

Ray: Yeah , EVERYBODY use to have a crush on her. Including me , but she aint my type anymore *walks in the kitchen*

Des: *follows him* Than what is your type ? *laughs*

Ray: A girl with confident , not too pretty , sense of style and humor. And I like girls that are smart.. Want something to drink ? *looks in the refrigerator*

Des: No thanks.. You are actually looking for a good girl huh ?

Ray: Yeahh..

Des: Than why do you keep messing with all these girls ?

Ray: I dont know , I guess im looking for that good girl and until then i'll be messing around.

Des: What if she is closer too you than you think and she sees you messing with all these girls ? She wouldnt be interessted in you anymore..

Ray: Than she's not the one..

Des: Waauw..

Ray: What ?

Des: Kinda deep , lmaooo ! Cant believe I would ever talk to you like this..

Ray: I know right ?


- Joyce's POV -

I know Roc is messing with Chiara. I know he likes her but.. He likes me too. I dont get it. But to be honest , i dont care as long as he likes me im good ! I was watching tv in my room when my mom yelled that there was someone at the door for me. When I got downstairs I saw Roc waiting for me to get downstairs in the livingroom. I was suprised but kinda happy , I wasnt showing it tho , ghehehe. Gotta stay cool :3.

Joyce: Woow.. What are you doing here ?

Roc: I was in the neighborhood and I decided to stop by.

Joyce: Awww , sweet..

Roc: You want too.. Walk ?

Joyce: You mean outside ? Lmaooo

Roc: Naah , ont top of my head -__-'

Joyce: Dont get too smart boy ! Let me change..

Roc: Hahahah , what is wrong with what you are wearing ? Lets just go !

Joyce: Okay okay.. *puts some UGG boots on* Lets go *grabs her phone and house keys*

- Roc's POV -

Im just going to tell her the truth.. Maybe she'll understand me and give me some time.

Roc: Joyce.. Listen.. I really really really like you bu-

Joyce: Than why do you keep messing with Chiara ?

Roc: To be honest , I have feelings for both of you guys. And something is really telling me that you are the one that I want to be with. But pleaseeeee ! Give me some time.

Joyce: Euh.. Sure , just.. Get your feelings straight because I really dont need a broken heart again. And.. Another question..

Roc: Yess ?

Joyce: What is going on between you and Angel ? One lie and im gone so you better tell me the truth.


Ghehehehe , im done for today ! Tell me what you think , tweet me @iHeartZSFx. Comment and feedbacks are ALWAYS welcome ! What do y'all think is going on between Roc and Angel ? Oeeeeeeeeh ^__^.  Hahahaha , byee'xo.

Destined love. ( A Ray Ray love story )Where stories live. Discover now