Chapter 13

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Dipper's P.O.V.

I burst into the clearing of the Mystery Shack. Panting and shaking.

"Whew, Y/N! We made it!" I said as I turned around. All that was there were trees, no Y/N. I began to feel panic rise in my throat. Crap. My mind began screaming at me to go back to get her, but every muscle felt as though one more step was gonna break me.

"Dipper, are you alright?" Someone said behind me. I turned around to see Great Uncle Ford walking to me from the Shack. I slumped to the ground.

"Everything is not alright!" I yelled.My panic turning into frustration. "He's probably got Y/N and I can't do anything to help her!" How could I do that to her? She told me to get help and I abandoned her.

"Dipper calm down. Who's got Y/N? What happened?"

"It's Bill! I don't know how he was able to but he got himself a physical form of his own, an- and he looks human. He attacked Y/N and I with a gun and he shot Y/N. We tried to make it back to the Shack when Y/N got stuck. She yelled at me to go ahead and get help so I did but-" My voice cracked, I felt my throat tense up. I couldn't get the words out. I left her. I lowered my head, ashamed and disgusted at myself.

"Dipper, You need to take some deep breaths. Y/N did the right thing sending you ahead. If she didn't, you might have both been captured and none of us would have known about Bill. Let me help you inside. I need to know exactly what bill said to you two so we can figure out a plan.

I took a shaky breath. "O.K."

Y/N's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered opened to the sound of a door slamming shut. At first glance, the room I was in was just a plain cabin. But as I looked closer there were shelves of books titled things like, "The Creation of Inter-dimensional Travel" and "A Look in the Year of 835214 A.D" and books in a language that I couldn't even recognize. I seemed to be in the main room with a couch and lounge chairs and a tall fire place that was blazing hot. I didn't know what to expect if I ever opened my eyes again. I think I was kind of leaning towards something like a torture chamber with all the creepy stuff a psychopath would want. I tried to stand up but received a painful reminder that I got shot. I looked back to see the wound hastily tied up. It was done well enough that I wasn't going to bleed to death, but it needed attention if it was ever going to heal correctly. Obviously Bill had tied it. But what was I worth to him alive? I let out a shudder at the possibilities. I was glad I wasn't chained up. That would have been really uncomfortable. Though with my wound, I guess he figured I wouldn't be getting anywhere anytime soon. I glanced around the room again, there were three doors that connected to the room that I was in. Bill was probably behind one of them, waiting for me to let my guard down. That's what the bad guy always did. There were no windows for me to see outside, I was completely clueless if it was day or night. I considered how long I had been asleep. Surely Dipper would have made it back to the Shack and told them what happened. Oh god I mentally slapped myself. Dipper probably thinks I'm being tortured or something. I looked around more frantically, looking for a way to tell the Pines that I was ok. They really had become my family. Over the past months. After finding no way to let alert them, I laid down by the fire place. The heat felt oddly comforting, like it felt more like a warm flame than a hot flame. Lulling me to close my eyes. I looked down at the ground right in front of the fire place to see shoe prints. I sat back up. Shoe prints? They seemed to be coming straight from the fire place, as though someone had walked straight out of the flames.

"What the heck?" I said aloud. Looking closer at the prints. Suddenly. The crimson flames became a blinding blue color. I scampered back as I looked watched the flames dance. Then, almost like a mirage. A man walked directly out of the flames. The man then seemed to solidify and take off his jacket, as though he had simply walked through a door. The flames turned back into a crimson color as though nothing had happened. I stared at him in awe.

"How..." He looked at me and I realized it was Bill, I scowled. He smirked.

"I get to keep a bit of my magic in this form." He said. "'Course it's a lot more fun when you make things a challenge."

"Like chasing Dipper and I the through the woods?" I spat. Bill clapped his hands together. "Exactly like that!" He exclaimed. He walked past me and plopped down onto the couch. "But you both would have probably gotten away if I didn't use magic to get your antlers stuck in the branches!" He seemed to chuckle at the memory. I could feel anger bubbling inside me.

"Why didn't you jut kill me when you had the chance?" I asked. Trying to find an angle on him.

"How else was I supposed to get the Pines family to all come to me?" He said, as though it should have been obvious.

"How would you be able to take them all? Like you said, you're not as strong as you were." I said. He smiled as though the thought of losing was a funny joke.

"I bet you would like to know. I'm afraid you're going to have to wait and see. I've got a lesson planned for the Pines, and you too." He got up and made his way to one of the doors. He opened the door and looked back at me. "The first lesson that you need to be taught," he said "is that creatures need to be branded when they belong to someone." He snapped his fingers and where my bullet wound was, the pain suddenly became unbearably hot. I ripped off the cloth covering it expecting a bloodied wound, but it was gone. In its place was a symbol that had a triangle and a circle around it. The symbol was burned deep into my flesh and the heat was getting worse. I looked back at Bill, but the door was already shut. I laid down and buried my head into my arms, silently crying.

Dipper, please hurry.

IM SO SORRY!!!! I KID YOU NOT I HAD THREE DIFFERENT CHAPTERS WRITTEN UP BECAUSE I DID NOT HAVE A CLUE HOW I WANTED THIS TO GO DOWN!! Have you all been paying attention to Twitter? THE HUNT IS ON!! Also I have become addicted to "Hamilton" and have been drawing a lot of art for it. If you haven't heard at least one of the songs you are WRONG!! Also send ideas <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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