Chapter 11

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Dipper's P.O.V.

"This is so boring" Y/N said. She was lying on her back staring at the clouds rolling across the sky.

"Come on Y/N this is important!"

"Yeah, but you've been scratching down notes for over an hour!"

I looked back down at the book Ford gave us. It had given a somewhat helpful description of cervitaurs. I had written down a bullet list on the stuff that sounded important:

- Cervitaurs have a vegan diet

- Cervitaurs grow their antlers at a young age

- Both male and female cervitaurs grow antlers

- Cervitaurs have a strong connection with nature

I was still trying to figure out how this was going to help us break the curse but at least it had so far help us understand what we are.

"Hey kiddo"

I looked up, Grunkle Stan was standing out on the porch waving at us.

"Hey Stan" Y/N said, standing up.

"Soos put a tarp in the bed of his truck and is filling it up with water so we can take Mabel to the lake." Stan said.

"What if she needs to contact us?" I asked.

"Ford made some water-proof walkie-talkies for if she needs anything." He said "Just wanted to let you guys know before we left." Stan turned around and walked back inside.

"When we figure out how to break the curse, we need to make sure that we help Mabel first." Y/N said "just so she can walk again."

Y/N P.O.V.

Dipper's phone began to ring, he fished it out of his vest pocket.

"Hello?" He answered "Pacifica? Wait hold on." I raised an eyebrow as Dipper stood up with his stuff.

"I'll be right there, just calm down ok?" He hung up the phone. " Y/N, I have to go help my friend. She's freaking out. I'll probably be back by dinner, will you let Grunkle Stan know?"

"Yeah," I said "see you later." He started to run down the road towards the town. It was barely past noon and the sun was shimmering off of Dipper's fur.

"I've really got to stop falling in love with him."

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