Chapter 9

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I had been woken up at practically the crack of dawn. Something busted the door open. I sat straight up, looking at the huge figure coming in. I opened my mouth to scream but it was covered by a huge hand, no not a hand, a paw. I looked up at the monster. It surprisingly was wearing a familiar face.
"Gweat phunkle pherd?" I said through his paw. I made eye contact with him; his eyes to me had always looked stern and confident but tonight, I saw fear, panic, and worry, although it was hidden. I gently pushed his paw away from my mouth. He took a few steps back into the pool of sunlight just coming up from through the trees. He was walking on all fours with a lions body, his clothes were still on but they looked stretched to their limit, he had two wings folded up against his back; they were a mixture of red, gold, and blue. Fords face looked almost the same, only his ears look slightly pointier than usual.

"Y/N," Ford whispered "do you know what's going on? I was working in my lab going through my research, when I fell unconscious. When I came to, I looked like this, but it doesn't make any sense! I thought the curse was tied to the river."

"I don't know, do you want me to wake up Dipper and see if he knows anything about this?" I asked, this summer was confusing me more and more. Ford shook his head. "No let him sleep, you can go back to sleep too if you want, I was just looking for answers."

"Thanks for the offer, but after that scare, I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep ever again." I replied, I looked down working on unfolding my legs to stand up. I glanced up once more at Ford as he was exiting the room, his lions tail was swaying back and forth as he moved, I couldn't help but smile. I looked down at Dipper; he was still peacefully curled up on the floor near me. I couldn't help but lean forward and ruffle his brown hair, he looked so peaceful. I took note of the two small bumps near his forehead. I leaned back up and made my way to the door, I peeked my head out, hoping for no more surprises. I could hear shuffling upstairs, oh my gosh I totally forgot about Mabel. I began to feel a panic rising in my chest. I had to make sure she was ok, us girls had to look out for each other and I felt connected to Mabel in a way, maybe it was just because of her wacky awesome social vibe she had. I didn't care that I had four ridiculous hooves, I was going to walk up those evil stairs.

...After lots of trial and error...

I stood at the top of the stairs, breathing heavy but proud of myself. I walked I silently as I could (which was still really loud, I should see if Ford could invent me hooves mufflers for me or I wasn't going to be able to sneak anywhere) over to their attic bedroom, I opened the door, poking my head in, she was laying in her bed. I clomped my way over to her side.

"Mabel," I said softly "are you alright?" She looked fine but something was, off.

"Y/N?" She said in a raspy, high-pitched voice. "I...can't...breath" I began to panic again. She needed help, I threw her covers off, only to find her lower half a bright pink fish, crap, I thought, mermaid.

"Hold on Mabel! Let me go start the bath!" I scrambled out of the room like a madman to the bathroom, almost falling a couple of times. After turning on the water I galloped back into their room. "Mabel I'm so glad you don't way a lot." I mutter under my breath as I pick her up out of her bed. "Just grab around my neck ok?" Once I secure her in my arms, I carefully but quickly made my way into the bathroom and laid her into the bath, almost causing the water to overflow. She dunked her head under and took a deep breath, then popped back above the surface.

"Oh my gosh I thought I was a goner!" She exclaimed. "Thanks a lot Y/N for the quick thinking! But what happened?"

"I don't know but Ford changed too, he's trying to figure out why, don't worry!" I say.

"How did you get up here? I'm thought you were sleeping downstairs with Dip-Dop?" Mabel asked.

"I was, but I wanted to make sure you were ok." I puffed up my chest and stood strong, "I made my way up the stairs all by myself!" I exclaimed.



"You realize you have to go back down them right?"


Hey guys!!!! I told you that I would get a chapter done tonight!! But now you all have to wait till winter break to do another one!! Haha! But I promise it's going to be a big chapter!! I've got plans... LOTS OF PLANS!!!

See ya'!!!!

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