Chapter 10

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I explained to everyone my dream about Bill and the curse being "released" or something. I made sure to take in what everyone else was turned into; Soos was a Golem, which explained why he looked like he was practically melting away in the summer heat. Wendy had come over from her house to get an explanation, and the Shack was the go-to place for answers. She looked fine right now, the only thing different was her eyes, they were a bright golden yellow. Werewolf. I thought, shivering at the thought of what she would look like or do to a handsome, manly cervitaur like me. Great Uncle Ford was turned into a Sphinx, I laughed when Y/N told me about having a heart attack when he came into our room earlier this morning. Y/N also explained Mabel's situation, a mermaid, of course, that definitely sounds like something she would be, or maybe a pixie. She told me about her adventures on the staircase and how she needed Grunkle Stan's help getting back down after helping Mabel.

"I'm never using stairs again." Y/N huffed. She was sitting right next to me on the floor in the living room where everyone was talking. Wendy and Y/N made eye contact and she came over here.

"Hey," Wendy said. "When I woke up this morning everyone else was gone, you wanna come back to the house to get your stuff and get on a change of clothes?" Y/N eyes lit up.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah man, come on, we can even head through the town to see what everyone else looks like."

"Wait!" I said, "let me come too! Strength in numbers right?"

"Yeah cool thinking Dipper!" Wendy said, turning and heading for the front door. I looked over at Y/N. 'Thank you" she mouthed. I just figured that I wouldn't want to be left with a werewolf, even if they were family. I walked to the front door, pulling it open for her.

"After you miss." I joked.

"Why thank you," she said. Trotting out the door.

Y/N was not kidding when she said she wasn't going to use stairs again, I thought she was going to use the ones off the porch but instead she kept running and leaped off the front porch and into the grass circling around to grin at me. I really hoped she couldn't see my face, because I'm pretty sure I was blushing, she always looked so adorable when she smiled like that. I said goodbye to my great uncles and walked out the front door. 

Y/N'S P.O.V.

I was grateful Wendy was taking me back to the house, I hadn't changed my clothes  for what seemed like forever, I was also happy that Dipper had agreed to come along. I was no expert when it came to naming monsters, but Wendy was kind of scaring me. We had been walking towards the town for a while, which gave me way too much time to think about my situation. I looked around, the sky was bright blue and there was a slight breeze in the air. Wendy was walking ahead, giving us some space.

"So," I said "you said we're cervitaur's  but what else do you know them? I mean us, I  guess."

"Not much" He replied "I know they have a Celtic origin. I read about it in some old mythology textbook, but I never read too much into it."

"Oh, do you think your great uncle Ford might know anything about cervitaur's?" I asked "maybe he has an old book about them somewhere."

"Maybe, we should ask him about it when we get back."

I walked closer to Dipper. "Do you know what Wendy is?" I whispered "Because my instincts keep telling me I should be running in the opposite direction of her."

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