Chapter 8

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Dipper's P.O.V.

As soon as I opened my eyes I knew something was wrong, the entire world was on a grey scale, 'crud' I thought, 'Bill'. I was so not in the mood, whatever he wanted was just going to give me more nonsense to worry about.

"Well you really did screw up this time didn't ya Pine Tree?"

I turned myself around, looking for him. "Bill what do you want?" I yelled, my stress level was already off the charts, and throwing a that dream demon back into my life was not going to help at all.

"Well nice to see you too! Why wouldn't I want to see what my favorite puppet was up to? I sure was surprised to find out that you and your 'little friend' had accidentally unlocked the curse! To be honest I thought that you were smarter than that!" He practically yelled at me as he floated down to me out of nowhere. My expression soured, Bill always had that gleam in his eye that made me furious. But something didn't settle with me right. "What do you mean 'unlocked the curse'?" Bill rolled his eye (or at least I think he was) "Well Pine Tree, when you and your friend decided to play in my river, you unlocked the curse I placed on it, it affected you two first because you made direct contact with it, but... it sent a wave through the entire town affecting everyone." I almost choked on my breath, no way, he had to be joking... right? "Everyone?" "Everyone genius, so it should should have taken affect... about an hour ago. Hey wanna here my impression of you in about 5 seconds? AAGGHH!!!!" 

I woke up to a giant stone monster standing over me. "AAGGHH!!!!" I yelled, trying to scramble away from the monster, momentarily forgetting I couldn't with my lower half. "Jeez kid relax! Just calm down!" He said, raising his hand in defense. "Were you planning on sleeping all day? We need your help!" I looked harder at him,  the creature was stone grey, with a pair of matching wings, he had frightening yellow eyes that looked like they could see into my soul. But I would recognize that scruff face anywhere. "...Grunkle Stan?" He straightened at the sound of his name. "The one and only, everyone has been up for a while, we are all in the living room, except Mabel, she's in the bathroom upstairs." My senses went on high alert. "Why? What happened to Mabel?" "We'll discuss when you get in here, and maybe try and figure all this stuff out." He gestured me to follow him, part of me was tempted to rush to the bathroom and check on my sister, but I had to put my trust in Stan and believe she was all right. We made it to the entry way that connected to the living room. "Alright kid you can just sit down by Y/N." When I looked around, only one thing popped in my head, despite the fact that it was ridiculous.

"Who melted Soos?"

Hey Guys!! Yes I know that they are short chapters BUT I'M TRYING TO BE MORE FREQUENT!!! How is it I can always find the right words fr my story but in school I suck at writing anything??

Bill: So you started with the best in the beginning of the chapter?

Me: you were sort of last minute, then I remembered Dipper fell asleep last chapter and I thought, 'oh, now I can just add Bill here'  sorry but you were sort of last minute.

Bill: ...

Pacifica: When do I come in?

Me: Maybe next chapter... we'll see how things go.

Anyways if you like other Gravity Falls Stuff read "We Were Rebels || Gravity Falls Au" by BasicNerdLife! It's REALLY GOOD!!! See ya'll later!!!

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