The Truth of Earth's Core

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(To inform Everyone. I've had this chapter written out since December of 2015. yes. i kid you not I've had this part planned since the very beginning of this story and long before the fifth movie ever came out. So i find it quite ironic and hilarious that my idea that Unicron was Earth's core was actually cannon before it was cannon.)

NEST Classified Operations - Diego Garcia

Everyone was unloading and getting off the transports now that they were back from China. They had lost a few men, the casualties could have been higher. But the populace of Shanghai weren't so lucky... They suffered quite a few casualties from the massive Decepticon squishing cars on the freeways.

:Autobot Twins, report to Hanger Three: someone said over the loudspeaker and the dinky puttering little Icecream truck drove off away from the others as they filed into the main communications hanger.

Y/N was sleeping in Ironhide's back seat. The seatbelt around her waist tightened a bit before it released and Ironhide managed to wake her up. She whined slightly before sitting up and getting out of his alt mode when he had finished parking.

She held her helmet under one arm as she rubbed her eyes a little as she leaned against the front end of his alt mode. He nudged her a bit.

"Hey mister." She poked his hood. "Don't get sassy."

Ironhide chuckled. "Who me?"

"Yes you." She said Behave or I'll call you a big sweet teddy bear in front of everyone. She said to him over their sparkbond.

You wouldn't. Ironhide replied

Try me hun. I just woke up. She replied.

... Okay yeah you would. Ironhide sighed a little and settled down where he was parked.

Y/N could hear an incoming helicopter outside. She didn't particularly take much note of it.

Outside, Lennox walked over to a man in a well tailored suit as he walked over and the helicopter he had come on left. He flashed a paper to the security guard and then passed.

"Director Galloway, what an honor. I'd love to show you around, but you gotta be on the classified access list." Lennox said to the man in the suit.

Galloway slammed a paper against Lennox's chest and kept walking. "I am now. Presidential order, Major. I got a message for your classified space buddies! You guys made a mess of Shanghai."

Galloway continued on his way into the hanger with his assistant and Lennox in tow.

"All right, so this is where we communicate with the JCS and this area serves as the Autobots main hanger. Though they do have their own quarters and such in a different building."

Y/N had moved to sit on Ironhide's hood and was working on something on her Omni Tool. Ironhide didn't mind it much as long as she kept her boots off his finish and she didn't scratch him all up.

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