Jealous? Who... Me?

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(Something I keep forgetting to mention. Originally the character that is you was supposed to be Called Lillian 'Lilly' Anne Monroe. So if you're at a loss for a name you can use Lilly or just the last name Monroe if you want.)

-A few Weeks Later-

Y/N got back to the base with Jazz. His door opened and she hopped out. "Thanks for the ride big bro." She grinned as he tranformed.
"No problemo lil' sis."
"D'ya think Ironhide will like it?" She asked
"Doll. Ever since you showed him that band's music he's liked it. So he'll love what you got." Jazz told her.
She grinned up at him holding the items she'd gotten close to her chest. "I'm gonna go show him." She said excited.
Jazz chuckled as he watched her run off to find Ironhide.
It was apparent to everyone except those two that they were into each other. They were all just waiting for them to realize it and get together already.

"Hey Jazz." Sideswipe rolled over.
"Sup Sideswipe." Jazz asked.
"You won't believe who showed up today while you were out with Y/N."
"Who is it?" He asked
"Elita One, Arcee and Chromia." Sideswipe responded
Jazz stared at the spot that Y/N had disappeared down a hallway.
"Something wrong Jazz?" Sideswipe asked.
"It's good that we have more bots round here... But I have a feeling that if things don't go well... Someone's gonna end up hurt." He stated 'that person might end up being Y/N' he thought worried for the young dark haired human. "It's all up to Ironhide though." He sighed.
Sideswipe was confused for a moment until realization flashed in his optics. He also glanced in the direction Y/N had went.

Y/N looked for Ironhide and eventually spotted him but didn't see who he was talking to.
"Ironhide! Check out what I snagged!" Y/N called as a grin spread across her face she started jogging over. He turned around and she halted in her tracks immediately, becoming more guarded with the new bot around. The new bot was clearly a she and she was blue. Jealousy flashed in Y/N's eyes before she looked back to Ironhide.
"Hang on Chromia. I need to talk to Y/N" Ironhide told her and the femme nodded a bit before walking away a bit to give them space. She'd wait to talk to Ironhide for a bit.

Ironhide walked over to Y/N and knelt down in front of her.
"There you are Y/N. I was looking for you before Chromia wanted to talk with me. What did you get?" He asked her. Y/N held up a CD case for him to see.
"I got the latest album of Skillet!" She grinned
"I thought that wasn't supposed to come out for another three weeks."
"There's perks to being a celebrity you know." Y/N told him. "I also got these too!" She held up two VIP backstage passes to a Skillet concert that was coming up soon that wasn't too far away for them to drive to. "I figured that if you used your holoform we could go together." Y/N grinned.
"That concert has been sold out for months. How did you get these?"
"I may have bumped into one of the members of the band at the expo and mentioned how much I loved their music. We talked a bit and he guaranteed me the CD and backstage passes. Jazz took me to pick them up today... I figured I'd surprise you with it." She said shyly. "... So can we go?"
He smiled at her. "We'll go. Just you and me." He told her
"Alright!" She bounced in place happily.

Chromia watched the exchange from a distance beginning to feel jealous towards the human. Ironhide looked at Y/N the way he used to look at her. What was so special about this human anyway? And why had she been such a fool all those vorns ago and turned the mech down when he'd told her he loved her.
She could see it in his face that he wasn't interested in her the same way anymore. She'd missed her chance to be with Ironhide. They were just good friends now... Isn't that what she'd wanted though?

"Come by the lab later. We'll listen to the new CD together. I've also got something to give you. I finally finished putting it together." Y/N told Ironhide and Chromia snapped back into reality.
Ironhide chuckled "Alright. I'll be by later. See you soon."
"Yep!" The young woman smiled "See you soon." She walked off to go put the backstage passes in a safe place so she wouldn't loose them.

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