Just Another Day

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Jarvis walked up the front path to (Y/N)'s home and unlocked it with the key she'd given him. He was the closest thing she had to a best friend.

Jarvis carried (y/n)'s coffee to the kitchen table and went to wake her up. He walked up to the door with her suit in his arms. He was about to knock when he heard dulled sounds of gunfire most likely coming from the TV.

"Hide! Watch your six!" (Y/N) called out.

Jarvis sighed. She'd had another all nighter up playing video games with the gamers she'd made friends with. Hide-of-Iron and GetJazzyWithIt.
He knocked on the door and (Y/N) said something to her friends before silencing her MIC.

"Come in!" Y/N called.
Jarvis opened the door to see her partially under the covers in her star covered pajamas with a headset on her head and a controller in her hands (Y/N)'s character on the TV was ducked behind cover and her squad mates were covering her.
"Morning Jarvis!" She chirped happily.
"Good morning Miss Y/N." He smiled at her enthusiasm. "I see you've been up all night again."
"It totally wasn't my intention Jarvis I swear!"
"I know. I know. You lost track of time. This was not what I'd expected when your father asked me to look after you." He chuckled shaking his head.
"I'll be off in half an hour. Promise."
"Very well. Here's your outfit for the day. You're required to go to a board meeting today at the company."
"Alright. Thank you Jarvis." Y/N grinned
"What would you like for breakfast Ma'am?" He asked
"Pancakes please... With chocolate chips in them?" She looked to Jarvis hopefully.
"I think I can manage that."
"Yay!" She cheered. Sometimes Y/N liked acting like a teenager it was a stress reliever. And Jarvis understood that.

He turned and left Y/N to her video game.

:Hey Noir! What's goin on Yo?:
:We're getting hammered here!:
The guys voices came out through the TV. Y/N turned her MIC back on.
"Sorry guys! I had to talk to Jarvis. I have to get ready for work in half an hour." She responded immediately going back to helping her friends with the raid on Destiny. The guys mumbled an affirmative.

-much later in the day-

Y/N finally got out of the stuffy office building. She made a beeline for her truck. She could feel eyes on her back as she was unlocking her truck. She growled a bit and looked around behind her. If someone was thinking of jumping her they had another thing coming. She'd beat the snot out of them.

She didn't see anyone. But she did spot a very attractive GMC Topkick C4500 Pick-Up Truck next to her own truck.

Y/N's lips curled up in a smile before she went to walk around the other truck. "Now you are one handsome truck aren't you. Topkicks are so badass." She hummed before going back to her Dodge Ram pick-up.

She got in her truck and started it up. She rolled down the windows and started playing Skillet before starting to drive home.

Little did she know that said truck had heard her. Ironhide had been surprised to hear his gamer friend IllisiumNoir's voice out in the real world. Maybe her voice had just been similar.

The government official Ironhide had escorted to this building finally got back. He'd made a special weapons request for the troops working in NEST. Y/N had agreed to develop some new weapons for the top secret program.

Y/N got home and parked her truck in her massive garage. She had several sports cars at her disposal... But she liked her truck better. She didn't like the feel that the sports cars gave her. It didn't convey the feeling of power that her Diesel truck did. The sports cars were her dad's anyway. She only really drove the silver Porsche to charity events.

Y/N got out of her truck and immediately went to her room to change before going down to the Panic Room which doubled as her workshop for her more sensitive creations. She'd been working on a line of guns and armor that was inspired by the Mass Effect series. Maybe this would be the time to make them known.
The universal thermal clips needed a little work and the shield generator in the armor had a few hiccups but the guns were nearly complete. They just needed assembling. She'd disassembled them to clean them.

Y/N reassembled all the experimental guns before moving on to work on the universal thermal clips.

Eventually Jarvis dragged her away so she could eat and get some sleep.

-the next day-

Y/N was playing video games with Hide-of-Iron and GetJazzyWithIt again. She was talking about nothing really important when all of a sudden the image of the Topkick she saw yesterday flashed in her mind.

"Oh guys. I almost forgot! Yesterday I saw this totally amazing black Topkick truck outside where I work. I loooove Pick-Up trucks." Y/N grinned.

The two guys immediately silenced.
:Really? What was it like Noir?: GetJazzyWithIt asked trying to stifle a snicker glancing at Ironhide as the mech shifted uncomfortably in his seat. So it had been Noir outside that building yesterday.
You went on to describe how it looked and the two alien mechs you were unknowingly playing the game with looked at each other worried because you described Ironhide's alt mode perfectly.
"Oh man guys. I don't know what it was about that truck. But if I could fuck a truck. I'd have totally screwed it."

Jazz broke down into fits of laughter as Ironhide's faceplates heated up. Luckily no other Autobots were around to hear Y/N's statement.

:Enough chatter. Are we going to play the game or not?: Hide-of-Iron said roughly to cover up his embarrassment as he tried shoving Jazz off his seat.
Y/N giggled "sure thing Hide."
Secretly she had a crush on Hide-of-Iron. Though she'd never admit it. She liked the way his voice sounded and they could talk about guns and weaponry for hours.

They went on to play for a few more hours before she spoke up again.
"I know you guys said that we can never meet IRL. But. You're great friends... I'm glad I met you two."

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