Aw Hell

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(Did I mention you are a certified badass? ...Well you are.)

-several weeks later-

Y/N had successfully completed her work on her guns and thermal clips though she figured out that the shield generator was still a no-go because of the lack of a powerful yet small enough power source.

She trudged off to bed and snuggled up in her covers. Sometimes she wished she had someone to share her king sized bed with. She needed a cuddle buddy from time to time. Y/N heaved a sigh and sank further into her bed as she passed out.

She heard it before she could see it. Her eyes snapped open. Something was outside her bedroom door.

Y/N silently rolled out of bed then retreated underneath it grabbing her sawed off shotgun making sure that the safety was off. It was way too late in the night for Jarvis to be lurking about.
Just then the bedroom door opened ever so slowly and Y/N's eyes widened as she watched mechanical taloned feet walk into the room. It was some kind of robotic beast.
It looked around the room before finally checking under the bed it's bloody red optics seemed to pierce into Y/N's soul. It hissed slowly.

The only thing that crossed Y/N's mind was 'go for the eyes' before...


The shotgun went off hitting the beast square in the face.
It let out a shriek of pain and rage as Y/N scrambled out from under the bed and bolted for the panic room. She cocked the shotgun and a shell flew out. That thing was tearing up her bedroom blindly. She turned around a corner and slid down the banister of the stairs leading to the basement and garage bringing her face-to-face with another one of those freaky things. Y/N unloaded several shells into its face and it dropped dead as she bolted around its carcass to the panic room doors. She made it inside then sealed the doors off behind her.

Apparently. Every Decepticon within one hundred miles was homing in on one target...

Y/N's house.

Not long after the initial attack the entire available Autobot team and NEST was there trying to clear out the Cons.

Major William Lennox led a small team inside the house. Trying to root out the Cons and possibly try to save whoever was inside if it was at all possible. They heard a noise and moved toward the basement and looked at the several cybercat corpses in surprise. They'd been shot up alright.

Suddenly the panic room doors opened "get inside! Move it before they catch wind of you!" A young woman hissed "come on let's go!"

She said yanking the soldiers into the basement bunker. She was decked out in N7 styled armor. And she had a full load out of weapons.

"Who the hell are you?" Major Lennox demanded.
"I'm the owner of this house thank you!" Y/N snapped back.
"Now shut the hell up and listen. My name is Y/N L/N I'm a weapons developer and specialist. and the owner of a well known weapons company... And the toybox just opened." She flicked a switch and part of the wall spun around revealing a whole bunch of Mass Effect stylized  guns.
"Grab all of that. We're blowing this popsicle stand and I'm not letting my prototypes fall into the claws of whatever the hell those demonic cat things are."
She went and pulled up a crate of the universal clips.
"Load up. As soon as that download is done we frag the computer and make a run for it. The Garage Is down the hall. If we can get to my truck we can get this stuff out of here."

"Who died and made you queen?" Epps asked pointedly.
"I'm sorry soldier boy. But these guns are specifically designed for NEST. If I don't get them out those things will get ahold of them and then we're all fucked."
"I'm sorry kid. But I don't see how cosplaying to be Commander Shepard will help you out here. You're just plain crazy." A different soldier stated
Y/N's eye twitched.
"...Cosplay? Don't insult me! This armor is as real as it gets dipshit. Make a few tweaks to the helmet and this bad ass piece of equipment can hold out in the vacuum of goddamn space!" She barked. "Now grab a goddamn gun! And let's fuckin go!"

The computer beeped signaling that the download was complete and Y/N went and grabbed the flash drive up disconnecting it from the computer and brought out the assault rifle from her back. She aimed it at the core of the computer and fired making all the soldiers in the room jump when gunshots sounded and there was literal damage on the computer. The computer started to smoke.

"Shit! They are real!" One of the skeptical soldiers breathed.
The soldiers went and grabbed up the newly made guns and loaded up with the clips.

"Protect this with your life." Y/N stated giving Lennox the flash drive. "These cat things don't want to kill me... They want me alive for some reason. And I'd rather this be with you where I know they won't get it."
Lennox was beyond confused. This twenty year old girl was barking orders like she owned the place... Technically she did... and she developed these guns for NEST? He hadn't heard anything about new weaponry. But he took the flash drive anyway and stowed it in his pocket.

"Everyone have all the prototypes?" She asked. The soldiers nodded. "Alright then." She nodded before going to peek out the one way view port. She was staring into the face of another of those freaky creatures.

"There's one right outside the door. red eyes. ugly cat thing. She shuddered a bit. This has got to be the worst wake up I've ever gotten." She reported. "Get into position there. And open fire when I open the door. Then we'll kill that thing off and we'll make a break for the Garage."

The soldiers nodded moving into position aiming their weapons at the door.

"Three. Two. One." She said before opening the door. It was definitely a con. The cyber cat leapt into the room and the soldiers opened fire with the prototype weapons demolishing the beast in record time. The soldiers stared at the guns wide eyed. These were amazing!

The soldiers and Y/N all ran toward the garage. Y/N's black armor glinted in the half-light of the hallway as she towed a small duffel bag along behind her. The lights in her armor were a deep blue.

They ran into the garage finding several of the sports cars in shambles and one of those cybercat things was goring a hole in the engine of Y/N's silver Porsche. The next thing down the line was her truck.

Y/N's eyes widened in horror as the beast prepared to demolish her baby.
"Oh no you don't!" She bellowed taking out the Phlanix hand cannon and snagging a Katana from the wall. She charged at the beast raising the shield for two seconds on her armor as she body checked the metal creature away. The shield visibly shattered and fizzled out. She'd crashed into it with enough force to fling it away from the truck.

The cybercat hissed at her. Y/N noticed that it was missing half it's face and an optic.
"So I see you stopped trashing my room and went for my cars! You ass! You deserved a shotgun to the face for sneaking in my room and trying to do whatever to me while I was sleeping."

Y/N proceeded to kick the shit out of the mechanical beast much to the soldiers surprise. The thing bit your sword in half then you took the remains of it and jammed it into its remaining optic and deep into its head severing critical connections and killing it. The creature fell over dead.
"That's six!" Y/N shouted as she raced back over to her truck puting the hand cannon back on her hip.

"I call shotgun!" One of the soldiers called.

"Alright everyone else in the back. And don't bust my windows! And don't stand up or you might fall." Y/N said climbing into the drivers seat. The soldiers climbed into the bed of the truck.

"So we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Major William Lennox." Lennox introduced himself as he climbed up into the passenger seat.
Y/N smirked
"Nice to meet you Lennox. Though I wish it were under better circumstances."

Lennox agreed.

"Oh my god... Jarvis he's totally gonna flip his shit when he sees the house!" She said holding the sides of her head 

The guys snickered "Jarvis? What's that? An AI or somethin?" One of the guys asked.

She whined suddenly. "He's like a second dad to me. And he kind of took over the role after my father's death a year ago. And he's not gonna be happy with my redecorating choices! It sounds like hell out there!"

"Yeah let's get going." Lennox patted her shoulder reassuringly noting that her armor sure did feel tough.

She didn't care that he was an employee. Jarvis was family. And she held his opinion in very very high regard and she strove for his approval.

Y/N nodded and started the truck and began driving out of the Garage quickly pouring on speed.
"Watch your heads!" Y/N shouted.

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