Human Part 3

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Its been a month since Ironhide was humanized. He absolutely hated it when he had to stay behind when a mission came up. It pactically killed him because he wanted to go out and kick the shit out of something because he was angry about actually getting used to being small.
Eventually the twins had stopped making fun of Ironhide after he and Y/N had threatened to shove sugar in their tanks. The twins didnt want to go out like that, death by sugar wasn't exactly the most apealing thing to claim in the afterlife.

But there was at least one upside to being human. He was closer to Y/N's size though she only came up to his chin.
And now that they were the same species they felt this un-ignorable and very strong pull toward each other, and it wasn't just sexual tension, it was like their very souls were calling out for each other. And when they were together in the same area Y/N and Ironhide felt insurmotably happy for no apparent reason other than just being around each other.

It was like they'd found their own personal drug.

Lennox had commented that it was like they were drunk off each other.
But Ratchet had a sneeking suspicion that the reason why they were so close wasn't a human reason. If only Y/N were cybertronian. Then it would make more sense! Why would a human be subject to a spark calling?

Y/N and Ironhide were currently sitting on the couch together in the common room watching a movie with Jazz and Sideswipe.

Her head was on Ironhide's shoulder and his arm was around her. The movie in question today was Alien. One of the soldiers had been talking with Y/N about it and the guys had gotten curious.

Y/N had an evil smirk plastered on her face as the three mechs in the room jumped at some of the jump scares. It seemes they were spooked by the movie... Which was a rare occuance.
Jazz actually screamed once which sent Y/N into a laughing fit because what made him scream wasn't even the worst thing in the movie.

When it was over two of them gave a sigh of relief.
"Come on guys. You've probably seen worse in other movies. This is from the seventies."
"It's the concept Y/N. And the monster looks real enough." Sideswipe stated.
She started to laugh evilly.
"Well sit tight. We've got more of them to watch."
Jazz and Sideswipe groaned and Ironhide just chuckled. Considering it was a horror movie it did a pretty good job of scaring people. He liked it.

Several days later

Y/N growled and yanked her long hair out of her face for the ten thousandth time that day as she worked on weapons upgrades.

"That's it." She growled. "I'm getting a haircut. And I'm not backing down this time. I'm really gonna do it." She stood up from her workbench and huffed pushing the stray locks back from her face. She covered up her project and went to find someone. Ironhide couldn't take her soooo. She had to find someone else who was willing to take her.

She came across Jazz.
"Hey Jazz?"
"Yeah lil' sis?" He asked looking down at her.
"Could you drive me into town? I have something I have to get done so I can actually make progress with my work."
"Sure thing Y/N gimme a minute." Jazz nodded
"Okay." She nodded going to grab her phone and wallet.

A few minutes later she and Jazz were on their way into town.
"So what do ya need to do sis?"
"My hair is so long. I need to get it cut. It's hindering my work." She sighed
"But it's so pretty."
Y/N smiled. "I know. But it'll grow back. And right now it's just so long I can't handle it. It's becoming a hazard."
"Hide is gonna freak."
"I know." She giggled. "He'll get over it."

A little while later Jazz pulled up outside a beauty salon.
"I'll be back after a while Jazz."
"Don't worry bout it sis. Take your time." He chuckled.
"Thanks." She grinned before heading into the salon.

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