Welcome to NEST

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Eventually all the Autobots had returned, Optimus being the last to arrive, and Jazz poked Y/N awake again.
"C'mon sis. Time to get up."
Y/N swatted at his servo before sitting up and going to straighten out her hair.
"C'mon... do I have to?" She asked.
"Yes. Now come on. Recharge can come later." He told her.

Y/N yawned then pinged something on her wrist. A bright orange holographic thing appeared around her forearm and hand, she looked at the time and groaned a bit.
"At least I got another hour and a half of sleep in."
"Is that an omnitool?" Jazz asked having played Mass Effect a little recently.
"Not an operational one... Yet. Right now it's a glorified wristwatch. Lennox has all my schematics. I fried my computer so those cat things couldn't recover any of the data just in case."
"I heard you shot it up." Ironhide stated walking back over,
"I did. That's not the point though." She shrugged grabbing up her helmet and standing in the bed of the truck. Jazz helped her out so she wouldn't hurt herself on the jagged metal of the outside of her ruined truck. She tucked her helmet under her arm and walked between the two mechs.

Jazz and Ironhide escorted Y/N through the base to where Optimus was located.

She looked around as they walked there were many other bots around now. She wasn't phased much. She knew they couldn't be from Earth. Even she couldn't build something like this. They had personalities each their own. And she felt eerily safe here. That. And her gamer friends were right beside her.

Optimus prime turned to face Jazz and Ironhide before looking down at Y/N
"You are the one the Decepticons were after correct?"
"I am." Y/N gave a nod.
"My Name is Optimus Prime. Leader of the Autobots."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Sir." She smiled "my name is Y/N L/N"
He gave a nod.
The Prime went on to explain to her where the Cybertronian people were from and why they were on earth.

"Do you know why the Decepticons were after you?" Optimus eventually asked Y/N

"I honestly don't know. There are multiple reasons I guess. One could be that technically I'm a powerful person in the world. I mean. I do own one of the biggest companies that provides the military with a good portion of its weapons. And at L/N Industries we also work on a lot of cutting edge tech. Most of which I initially design. And I'm smarter than most humans. They've been calling me a super genius since I was five." She shrugged "and I only keep getting smarter. Only they really know what they want from me."

Optimus gave a nod.
"Very well. Because we do not know the motive for the Decepticons to want your capture you will be given a guardian. And be given a place to stay here at the base so that we might better protect you."

Y/N blinked. She'd be living at the NEST base? With giant robotic aliens. Where her only two friends besides Jarvis were. It wasn't much of a difficult thing to say yes to.
"Okay." She nodded

"Ironhide. You will be Y/N's guardian." Optimus ordered.

The mech was about to protest but looked down at the little armor-clad human and he silenced himself.
How bad could it actually be to look after Y/N. From his experience in gaming with her she was an okay human. She knew a lot about guns too.

Ironhide nodded "Alright Prime. I'll look after her."

-Hours Later-

Y/N had been introduced to all the Autobots and Lennox had returned her flash drive. She socialized for a while before turning her attention back to her ruined truck. A mechanic had looked at it and confirmed her fears. It couldn't be saved.

Y/N sighed as she sat in the cab of her Dodge Ram. "Can someone get me a box please? I need to clean my stuff outta here before they come to move this scrapped vehicle."
One of the soldiers nodded and went to grab a cardboard box which he brought back for her.

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