FIHWY - 17

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Falling in Hate with You

Chapter Seventeen

"So, little monster, what's the plan for today?"

Nikki's tiny face scrunched up, her small finger tapping her chin. I held back a snort at what a ridiculously comedic character my sister was growing up to be. The facets of her personality were continually surprising me, and I had a hard time keeping up with which traits came from whom.

It was easy to trace her temper back to me, sadly. Jared and Jacky were a shoe in for the goofiness and the strange things she would say. Her kindness from Nelly. Creativity wasn't hard at all, that was a combined effort from all of us.

My light attitude immediately sobered for a moment – maybe it wasn't as hard to track traits, considering she knows all of four people, five including little Chad Danforth.

I dragged a hand down my face as I propped my elbows on my kneecaps, Jacky was right. I needed to diversify her world.

"Natty, I would like to go to the park."

I looked up to see her staring back at me, eyes wide and mouth set in a determined line.

"Oh, you would, would you?" I quirked my eyebrow at her formal speech.

She gave a brisk nod.

My mouth opened a few times and my eyes widened, exaggerating my shock to elicit a giggle out of her.

When her lips twitched in response, her hands shot to her face to hide her expression.

"Nuh uh, little monster, I saw that," I said, standing up and swooping her into the air, "You totally cracked."

Nikki let out a chorus of giggles, her non-existent serious façade shattered. My heart soared at the sound and I couldn't stop the massive smile that coasted across my lips. Sending a silent thank you to God, I stopped swinging her and held her close. Her arms wrapped themselves around my neck and her head snuggled into my collarbone.

She stayed still as long as she could for a five year old before lifting her head so fast it caught my chin on the way up. I grunted at the sting of catching my lip between my teeth, already tasting the blood.

"Ah, lovely. Thank you, oh evil monster," I said drily, as she brought her hands to her face once more to hide her giggles.

I set her down, and moved the few feet to my left to spit into the kitchen sink. Flicking the tap on to wash it down the drain, I swiped my hand under the water and flicked a few drops at Nikki's face, earning a squeal.

"You're the evil monster!"

I smirked, wiping my hand on my pants to dry it off, "Alright, let's stop flinging insults at each other, this is a house of love. Go get dressed for the park, please."

Her laughter dissipated as she climbed the two flights of stairs to her room while I busied myself with tidying up the kitchen. Putting away the dishes with various chips in them, I got that usual feeling of pressure to provide. We weren't poor, not really. Norman managed to bring in a mediocre paycheck from his landscaping business, which was the front I forced him to keep as to portray a stable image for Social Services. I was the one who brought in the extra money from the graffiti competitions. I didn't win too often, contrary to what Jacky says, but what I did win was split into different savings accounts. College fund for Nikki, emergency fund for house expenses or medical bills, Heaven forbid. Then there were grocery expenses and clothes for Nik, some money to Nelly when I could convince her to accept it. Of course, Jared pitched in. I never asked him too, but if he took Nikki for ice cream, she'd somehow come home with a new rain jacket or coloring book or a new backpack.

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