FIHWY - 12

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argh sorry that this took so long, i had a really important art show and stupid me left all my painting to the week before and i legit was running on 6 hours of sleep by the time the art show rolled around. people should have been signing waivers to be around me..

anyway, as always, unedited and whatnot, point out the mistakes. also, spacing is waaaay messed up but i'm still too tired to fix it ayee

Falling in Hate With You

Chapter Twelve

                I did a thing.

                I did a thing that was so uncharacteristically unexpected of me that I was actually having trouble comprehending what I had done. I couldn't believe it. Me. Doing that. Of all the things, of all my rules, I had let myself do it.


Asking my once-upon-a-time-almost-brother-in-law-slash-art-teacher to take my five year baby sister all night so I could stay out till the wee hours on the town was pretty normal, if I'm being honest. But doing it so I could spend more time with a boy was not.


Who am I?


                 Ethan's voice broke through my inner character analysis, "Uh, what?"

                "I said, are you ready for Phase Two?"

                I blinked the rest of my thoughts away, "Depends, what exactly does Phase Two entail?"

                "Well, usually for me it involves getting an extra-large triple-triple and a doughnut. Sound good?"

                Lifting my hands to the Heavens, I said solemnly, "Thank you Jesus. Caffeine time has come."

                He laughed, and once again we walked in silence back up the street. We passed Iscreamatorium, which just closed at sunset. Taking a right at the end of the road, we crossed to the other side and entered one of four Tim Hortons in the town.

                We placed our orders and waited patiently, leaning against the railing inside the building.


"I can't believe you got plain," I muttered.

                "What's wrong with plain?"


"Um, like literally everything. Doughnuts were not created to be eaten plain. Doughnuts are a time for excitement."

                "Well sorry for having an opinion."

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