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A super hot Rachele Brooke Smith as Charlie Evans^^^ She's not really involved in this story much, so I'm not putting her in the cast but she just slays in general so here she is<3

Dedicated to CrazyMuffinSoldier, because she's a fellow Canadian, and because she's shy and adorable and for some reason she's agreed to be friends with me! Crazy, eh?

UNEDITED. And this was actually a really difficult chapter for me to write, because it brings in the issue that I had with my last book – I have so many characters interacting at once and my erratic thought process is way too scatterbrained to keep with my way too scatterbrained characters. because yes. I am not really the author here. I'm just trying to keep up with the voices in my head and it’s really hard :’( *whines*

B U T, I am also heckin’ stoked for this chapter because you get to meet the girl that started this entire writing obsession of mine. the first actual character I created and loved, 6 years ago. the girl that started 9 of my 24 stories, and the girl who gives me the most grief because screw her and her untamable personality that not even I can control.

Anyway, sorry for the long A/N, I just wanted y’all to be aware of the impending doom.

also, there is one spot here (let’s be real though, it was the whole chapter) where I actually confused myself so hard. let me know if you understand, so that maybe I can understand too? ugh.

vote, comment, lemme know what’s up, Holmes. 

I was listening to “Greek Tragedy” by The Wombats while writing this, the melody gives me the nostalgic-y feeling I have towards this chapter. ahh.




Falling in Hate With You

Chapter Seven

                I was a puddle of nerves by the time Ethan and I reached Jacky, who was leaning against his car, scrolling through his phone. After quickly sorting out the plan, Ethan walked off to catch a ride with his brothers. I was thankful that I would have a few minutes to myself before the impromptu rendezvous with humans I didn’t know.

                Jacky and I slid into his car, and I immediately began biting my nails.

                “Are you nervous?”

                I ignored him, mostly because he was an idiot and I was really busy at the moment, what with my thoughts of potential doom and suckiness.


                My eyes were unfocused, staring out the window as we pulled out of the parking lot. I had hoped that Jacky would just leave me alone for a few minutes, but he shoved me face first into the glass.

                “What’s your problem?!”

                “Are you okay? You’re doing that thing where you chew your nails like a woodpecker on crack again.”

                “No, I’m not okay, Jacky. I’m being forced to socialize!” I dropped my hand into my hands.

“You aren’t being forced, you idiot. You accepted an invitation. And you never have a problem hanging out with Xavier and the crew? What’s so bad about Ethan?” He paused before exclaiming, “Oh, oh! You’re in love with him!”

Falling in Hate with YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz