25. Friends?

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Kyler's P.O.V

The guy was sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling while his chocolate curls were hanging in front of his eyes. I felt my insides burn with jealousy as I stared at him sleeping in Chris' bed. The image of him and Chris tangled together with a mess of sheets made me feel even worse. He looked like he was about twenty-three, maybe twenty-two. I was starting to feel uneasy when Chris grinned and stumbled a little. I caught him before he fell and he gave me a drunk smile.

"Let's give you a cold shower." I whispered, dragging him outside the bedroom and away from his ex. I shuddered at the thought of him even contacting his ex to hook up. I opened the bathroom door with one hand and dragged Chris inside with the other. He kept laughing at me, obviously too drunk to even realize what was going on.

I turned on the water and stripped Chris to his boxers. I could have easily left him naked, but after swallowing the lump in my throat I decided it was not a good idea to have him nude around me. I would probably snap at the sight. I tried to stay calm when he stepped in the shower and the cold water made him shiver. He whimpered a little, fixing his eyes so the water didn't sting them. Feeling drowsy, I placed my hand in the sink to keep myself from falling when I glanced at Chris' neck. There was a huge hickey resting there.

Chris was hugging himself to try to block out the cold, but it obviously wasn't working. The smell of vodak still lingered in his breath but way less intense than before, so after a couple of minutes under the icy waterfall I wrapped a towel around his body and helped him out. I noticed his hands were shaking, but not from cold.

"I'm... So s-sorry." He stuttered. My stomach was aching and my head was pounding, in reality all I wanted to do was go home and cry, but I gave him a reassuring smile and guided him back to his room. He seemed a little bit sober, because when he saw the guy sleeping in Chris' bed Chris yelped.

He looked afraid of waking him up in front of my presence, alost as if I was going to yell or something. I was calm and took a few breaths to let the anger go away before nodding at him and leaving them alone to 'discuss' whatever it was they had to.

They didn't have too discuss much, because after a few minutes of standing outside of Chris' bedroom, the door flew open and the twenty-three year old left in a hurry, his shirt wide open and his belt in his hand. I smiled at myself while watching him walk away from Chris. My ex-boyfriend motioned me to sit on the bed beside him and I did, staring at him play with the towel around his waist.

"I'm not angry." I said, unable to tear my eyes away from him. "We're not... Uhm, dating anymore so.."

Chris gulped and I felt guitly for bring the whole we'renotinarealationship subject.  But at some point we had to talk about it, right? Even if it meant me having to bathe him and get him sober so we could discuss the matter.

"Why are you here? If we're not dating." Chris paused, his words still slurring. "Why did you come?"

Now it was my turn to gulp loudly and stare at my hands. Although I couldn't see myself I knew I was blushing madly at this point, but continued to try and explain my reasons to meet him again after all the drama we had been through.

"I wanted to talk to you." His eyes sparkled, and I couldn't miss the feeling that was shining inside his ocean eyes. It was hope.


"Stuff." I muttered. "i wanted to know if you... If we could still be friends?"

The hope in his eyes died suddenly and they were kind of empty after that. I felt guilt stab me in the stomach, but continued to ignore it as I focused my gaze on his face.

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