7. Scary Movie

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Kyler's P.O.V

When we got to his house all the lights were turned off. I was praying that Brandon wasn't there. If he was then I didn't even know what I was going to do. Chris took me to the living room and sat me on his couch. My eyes were nervously searching for his brother but I couldn't see him.

"Call your mom babe, which do you prefer popcorn or ice cream?"

My stomach ached because I hadn't eaten anything that day.

You're fat.

I had made a promise to myself; I had to loose weight. And it had to be fast. I shook my head and looked anywhere but into Chris' eyes. "I'm not hungry."

He shrugged and walked into the kitchen and I texted my mom letting her know that I was sleeping over at a friend's house. I was just about to call Chris when I saw Brandon walking down then stairs. I felt as if someone punched the air out of my lungs and I froze, sitting on the couch without making a sound.

I saw him smirk.

"You little shit!"

I jumped at Chris's angry yelling and I saw him walking towards Brandon with his hands turned into fists. Brandon looked suprised and I was too, because he hadn't beaten me up that day or anything so he was probably shocked that his brother was angry at him.

"Woah, calm down buddy, I havn't touched the..."

"The what? The queer?"

I felt a sting in my wrist and I just wanted to go away. I didn't want him to fight with his brother because of me. I'm the one that's fucked up.

"I havn't called him anything since you two started..." Brandon tried to push Chris away to make his way to the kitchen, but Chris didn't move one inch.

"If you ever call him that again I swear I'll make mom and dad send you to fucking Switzerland!"

I didn't see Brandon's face but he left quickly without even glancing back at me. I had my eyes closed tightly.

"Come on beautiful, let's watch a movie." Chris hugged me and lied with me on the couch, my head resting on his chest.

He put on a scary movie and I knew I was going to have nightmares from that shit. Everytime something happened I would let out a whimper and dig my nails into his shirt. Chris seemed amused by this and laughed in my ear softly.

"Do you want me to turn it off?"

I shook my head I could handle it. It wasn't that scary.

Ten minutes later I half yelled when the ghost appeared on the tv screen. Chris hugged me tightly and laughed some more.

"Are you sure you don't want me to turn it off?"

"Yes please."

He turned the tv off and looked at me smiling. I let out a yawn.

"Awe, my Kyler is sleepy." He had called me his. Did that mean we were...? "I havn't asked you yet so here I go... Would you date me?"

His blue eyes seemed nervous and I was startled. "Yes, yes, yes, yes." I nodded my head furiously hugging him by the waist.

"Good." Chris said kissing my forehead. "Because I really, really, like you."

"You do? Why? I'm so..." The words blurted out of my mouth before I could stop myself from saying them. Chris' face turned from happy to angry in a second.

"You're so what?"

I hid my face in my hands, embarrased.

"... Ugly and dumb and fat and..."

Chris pulled my hands away from my face and I was blushing madly. He lifted my chin up and pulled me closer to him, pressing his lips to my ear.

"I think you're the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. And you aren't dumb." He whispered softly. "You're not fat. I swear you aren't- look."

Chris started pulling my hoodie and shirt up and I got really nervous. My stomach was exposed and his hands traced my ribs. "You're so thin I can see most of your bones. You weigh probably less than me." He shifted me so I was sitting on his lap. "And you're light as a feather."

I felt like crying. He's lying. You're disgusting. You're body is hideous.

"My scars are ugly." I pointed, touching my scarred arm. Chris kissed it.

"I think they're beautiful. Because everything about you is perfect."

He put my clothes back down and I buried my face into his chest. "Stop lying." I managed to mumbled.

Chris laughed dryly. "I'm not lying, beautiful."

"Yes, you are! You don't know what it's like to carry them everywhere, I hate them!"

Chris rolled his sleeve up and I could see an old big scar, it was white but it was pretty big. His blue eyes never left mine. "I know what it's like to hate yourself. I tried to kill myself two years ago, so don't tell me I don't know what it's like. I have to look at this scar everyday till the day I die. It's never going to fade away, because I made a stupid mistake two years ago. I'm glad I didn't kill myself that day."

My eyes were wet with tears. Why would he do that to himself? Then I remembered I did it too. "Why are you glad you didn't die?"

"Because I wouldn't have met you."

He pressed his warm lips against mine and I fell asleep with him holding me close and whispering things in my ear. His cold fingertips would softly touch the scars on my arms every now and then, and for the first time in so long, I felt I was alright.

That was until Brandon came in. 

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