22. Cheat

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Brandon's P.O.V

Chris' fist connected to my cheek and I laughed. "Is that all you got lil' bro?" He blinked suprised and hit me again until I wrapped both of his wrists and made him stop.

"Just stop seeing Kyler!" He shouted, struggling to get free from my grasp.

"And why would I do that?"  I replied, letting him go. "He's not your property."

My brother looked at me with eyes full of poison.

"You always take the good things from me, I hate you Brandon."

I'm not going to lie, that did hurt. But I faked a smirk and dismissed him with my hand. "I love you too, fella." Chris' hands balled into fists and I watched amused how hard he was trying to contain himself.

"Just... Don't go see him, that's my job."

"Your job, huh? I did your job a couple of days ago."

He stared at me, frozen. "What?"

I laughed hard at his dozed expression. "You weren't here to take care of Kyler, so I took care of him for you."

Chris pushed me hard and I was shoved against the kitchen counter. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?!" He keeps punching me until I pushed him off of me. I sigh, I was honestly getting tired from all his shit.

"I kissed him."

His jaw dropped and he started stuttering. "What... I mean... Why did you..."

"Do you want to know the best part of it?"

Chris frowned, shaking angrily. I stared at him for a long time before speaking again, making sure my words were clear and didn't leave any doubt.

"The fact that he kissed me back."

Kyler's P.O.V

I had been here for almost two weeks and I was done. Completely done, utterly done.  I didn't want to be there anymore, I just wanted the nurses to go away and let me sleep. Maybe I could sleep my life away, at least until I could go home. Josh had stopped talking about three days ago and nobody knew why. He barely left his room anymore and Connor... Connor was simply too busy with his bitchy girlfriend.

Clarissa was just annoying. And the worst part is that she was a complete bitch to everyone, but everytime someone tried to talk to her and make her see the things that she had done wrong Connor would come in and shut that person up. It was really, really, annoying.

So I decided to avoid them. The only person I truly liked was Josh, and for some odd reason he had turned mute. I started realising the nurses knew why, because they wouldn't make him talk. They would simply whisper to each other things like "poor kid,"this time of the year is so hard for him," "he'll speak again in two days." I honestly had no idea what they meant.

But I decided I would confront him about it.

So in the icy morning I found myself walking to his room, praying that Clarissa wasn't there with him because she was too stupid to bear. I knocked on the door and waited until he opened it, giving me a small smile and letting me in. Clarissa wasn't there, probably giving Connor a blowjob in the bathroom or something.

I sat on the bed next to Josh and watched him play with his fingers.

"What's going on with you?" I asked and he looked up at me. Josh shook his head, trying to tell me it was nothing. But I  knew there was something going on... Something big. "Please tell me. Maybe I can help."

"No one can help me." He whispered so low I could barely hear him.

"Why did you stop talking?"

Josh looked away, his cheeks turning red. Why was he blushing?

"Something happened to me a few years ago, and then these dates come and I just... Stop talking."

"You mean, every year you stop talking for a week?" I blinked.

"A certain week." Josh answered, burying his face in his hands. I hadn't realized he was crying until I saw him shake because of his sobs. I didn't know what to do, so I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up but then relaxed and cried on my shoulder.

"What happened to you?"

Josh cried harder, shaking his head. I knew he wasn't going to tell me, and I also knew better than to ask again.


"So, Kyler. You're getting better. Eating more, sleeping more. No breakdowns yet." The doctor said, checking some papers. "Impressive."

I tried to smile, but I wasn't feeling so proud of myself as she seemed to be. I would have been proud if Chris had been there to hear it. She tapped my shoulder.

"I think you're ready to go home."

I blinked furiously, too confused to do anything else. "What?"

"Yes, you can go home tomorrow. We'll be keeping an eye on you besides that... There's nothing more we can do, except make sure you take your pills and eat full meals." She shrugged. "I'm going to call your.. Erm.. boyfriend, so he can pick you up tomorrow after breakfast." And then she left, her sneakers making weird funny noises against the white floor.

I was going back home.


I dialed his number even though I was going home tomorrow I wanted to hear his voice so badly...

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi!" I giggled and I heard him sigh.

"What do you want?"

His voice was sharp as a blade and it made me feel dead. Was he angry at me? Did he hate me? I had to remind myself to breathe, because I was going to have a panic attack if I didn't control my breathing.

"I just called to let you know I'm going home tomorrow, what's wrong?"

"Aske Brandon." Chris growled. I felt my stomach drop.


"You heard me." He said and hung up.

I swallowed hard before leaving the room. I went back to my bed and cried for hours. Of course Connor wasn't there to hear me, probably fucking Clarissa in her room. I felt bad for Josh, having to endure being with them.

Tears choked me and I couldn't seem to stop crying. My pillow was wet, but the lump in my throat didn't seem to be going away in a while. Nothing in my life was working. Somehow I was back at the beginning, when all I had left was...

All I had left was Brandon.




Chris' P.O.V

He kissed me roughly and I kissed him back, blocking the voice in my head that was telling me how wrong that was. He pushed me into the bed and rammed into me like there was no tomorrow. There were kisses, no moans, nothing. When he was finished he lied next to me, panting and completely exhuasted. I was breathing heavily too. I heard him snoring quietly, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything besides what had just happened.

I had just cheated on Kyler.

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