3. Limping

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Kylers P.O.V

I limped all the way to the park and then sat down on the cold grass. I rubbed my cheek where Brandon had slapped me. It was probably going to leave a mark. I put my head in my kness and tried to think of something else for a while, at least until Chris got there. I sighed and looked at my phone, no texts or calls from him. I was about to text him when I felt arms wrapping around my waist.

"Hi, beautiful." I felt butterflies explode in my stomach, I blushed madly and hid my face in my hands. "Hey, don't hide. If that makes you uncomfortable just tell me and I'll call you Kyler." He said softly rubbing my shoulder.

Quickly I replied. " No, no, no. I... I like it."

"Come on, beautiful, lets go to a coffee shop or something, it's freezing!" He pulled me up and took my hand, walking next to me. Then, he noticed I was limping.  "Why are you walking like that?"

"I-I fell. Yes I fell." What a great lie you stupid shit.

"Oh, really? Just like you 'fell' yesterday? His perfect eyebrow was distracting me.

"Please." I was mortified. He couldn't know I was bullied, because then he would ask why and then I would have to tell him about me being gay. And I couldn't.

Chris sighed. "I just don't like seeing you hurt." He pulled me in to a coffee shop and the warm air was just perfect.

We ordered two lattes and sat down at a table. Chris was frowning and it was making me nervous. What if he had found out I was gay? I tried to replay the scene of him and me at the park and I couldn't remember doing anything that didn't say, "Oh, I'm a queer."

"Why don't you take your hoodie off? It's hot in here." I started breathing fast. I had a short sleeve shirt, I couldn't take off my hoodie or he would see my cuts. I thought of a quick answer to aviod the subject.

"If you want me to get naked you just have to ask." I slapped myself mentally. Now he would know I was gay. Instead of saying anything, Chris giggled.

"Well, lets get to know each other. I'm 17. And my name is Chris." He blurted. He was so cute.

"I already know your name." I said laughing and taking a sip of my latte. "I'm 16. I'm Kyler."

"Ky for me. Or beautiful." He whispered.

Holy shit, that boy is going to be the death of me.

I tried to change the topic. "So, um, do you have girlfriend?" I took at least four sips of my latte. Please say no! Please say no! Please, please, please!

Chris put his hand over his mouth and started laughing like an idoit, a cute idoit. "What?" I snapped. Was he laughing at me?

"I'm not exactly in to girls, you know." My latte felt too hot in my hand, so I put it down. My breath got caught in my throat, choking me. My heart was beating fast.

"Does that mean you're..."


Yes! Yes! Thank you, Jesus!

"Look, um, I thought you wouldn't mind me being gay, but if you're going to look at me like I just told you the meaning of life then I..."

"I'm gay too."

The words blurted out of my mouth like vomit and before I could add anything more I saw Chris smiling. "I knew it! I can always tell when someone is!" And for the first time, I felt happy I told someone I was gay.

We finished our lattes and left, walking back to the park, me limping while he held my waist. His phone rang. "Sorry beautiful, I have to go home, my dad needs me." Chris kissed my cheek and his warm breath was making me giggle. "I'll call you later so we can meet up again."

He kissed my forehead and left.

 I can't believe this is happening. He's gay. And he likes me. I shook my head. He doesn't like you that way. He's just being friendly. No one likes you.

I went straight home and took a shower. My cuts were healing but they still hurt when I bathed. Slowly I took one of my razors and drew four more cuts on my arm. The word fag was still there, clearly visible. The shower cleaned all the bloody mess and I changed in to my PJs and cuddled with the covers on my bed. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful. Tomorrow, same time, same place? x"

I texted back quickly, imaging his blue eyes and flashing smile. I couldn't wait.


*Next day*

School had been shit as usual. Brandon decided that day was "Lets-push-the-gay-kid-around" day. I sighed and went to the park, sitting down in the same spot I had sat yesterday. My arm was so itching it was driving me insane. I knew I had to becareful not to scratch it too much or the cuts would open and my arm would start bleeding, and I couldn't let that happen. Not infront of Chris.

"Why are you rubbing your arm like that, beautiful?" Chris kneeled infront of me. "Is everything okay?"  "I'm fine." I snapped. He could never find out I cut myself. Ever.

We walked to the swings and sat there for a while, talking. I couldn't believe how awesome he was and how perfect everything about him seemed. My arm was still itchy but I ignored, focusing all my attention on Chris. Out of nowhere he pushed me softly off the swing and hugged me while we were sitting on the floor. I put my head in the crook of his neck.

"I didn't mean to snap at you earlier." I mumbled, ashamed of myself. "I was a dick, sorry." Chris laughed softly. "I don't care cutie, as long as you're okay, then I'm okay."  

I pulled back to see him smiling. He brushed the hair out of my eyes and touched my cheek. "You have a bruise there." Oh, Brandon had slapped me there. "It's nothing." Chris frowned and touched the mark with his fingertips and planted a kiss.

He crushed his lips into mine, but not before I saw Brandon and his gang on the other side of the park.

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