20. Hospital (Day 1)

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Kyler's P.O.V

Chris kissed my cheek before dropping my hand. "You're going to be okay, Ky-Ky."

"Please don't leave." I whimpered "Please."

"I thought we had talked about this." He sighed, trying to smile. "I'll visit you everyday. You can call me once every two days and you will be out soon."

"I'm scared." I whimpered. "Please don't make me go."

Chris' eyes were sad when he spoke again. "I know you don't want to go, but it'll help you. I'll come over tomorrow."

I knew there was no point in trying to argue with him, he had already made his mind and had taken me there. The Mental Hospital. I snorted at how freaky that sounded. Chris was talking to a nurse and I was biting my nails, trying my hardest to keep from crying. When he had finished, Chris turned around and smiled at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful."

"No." I whimpered again. "Please."

He kissed my cheek. "Try to get better."

And with that he was gone.

"Now Kyler," The nurse called me. "I'll show you your new room. You'll have a roomate so I hope you two get along just well." Her voice was so sweet it was making me feel disgusted. She had blonde hair and brown eyes and was pointing the way.

The halls were too big and I knew I was going to get lost all the time. I was so nervous, nurses and doctors were talking and sipping coffee but I hadn't seen any patients yet.

"Everyone is alseep or in therapy. Your roomate is probably awake though." The nurse said and I nodded.

She opened the door that had the number 23 on it and stepped inside. The room was pretty big adn it had two beds. I saw a boy sitting on one, with bags under his eyes and his hair all messy. The nurse smiled and walked out, closing the door behind her. I assumed she had already talked to the boy about me, because he didn't seemed suprised to see me.

"I'm Kyler." I said.

He looked at me flashed me a small smile. "I'm Connor."

I stared at my hands, awkwardly standing next to the door. "So, uhh, the nurse said you... Uhm, she said maybe you could show me around?"

Connor's chocolate eyes lit up and he nodded. He got up and tried to brush his hair but eventually gave up. "Let's go." We walked a bit and he guided me to a room with a bunch of chairs and a sofa. "This is the therapy room or I was what I like to call it -Hell-"

I blinked a few times. "Is it really that bad?"

Connor saw how scared I was and shook his head. "No, you'll be okay. Why are you in here if you don't mind me asking?"

I tried to keep my voice strong but it was hard. I missed Chris, I missed my brother, I missed... Brandon. Yes, I missed them all and I had only been there for about a half an hour. I just wanted to go home.

"I've got.. Uhm, ya'know, depression and anorexia nervosa. I said "And you?"

Connor smiled sadly at me and slung his rm around my shoulder. "I killed my whole family and ate my dog."

"Kyler?" Connor's voice was full of panic. "I was just kidding bro. Wake up!"

I hadn't realized I had passed out, but it didn't suprised me. I looked up at him and gulped. "Really?"

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