23. Confrontations

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Kyler's P.O.V

I got excited when I saw the car parking, but instantly knew the one who had come to pick me up was Brandon. Chris was obviously angry, probably hated me, and I didn't know why. He said I should ask his brother about it so that's what I was going to do. I was going to talk to Brandon and going to get Chris back. No matter what.

Brandon flashed a smile at the nurse who blushed and looked down. He took my bagpack for me and signed some papers the startled nurse had given to him. I got in the car without saying a single word. After a moment, and with the nurse's number written on a piece of paper, Brandon got in the car with me.

"What did you say to Chris?" I blurted. Brandon's blue eyes were sparkling.

"The truth." He shrugged and started the car, driving away from the hospital. I groaned and rubbed my temples; the headache was getting worse.

"What truth?"

I saw him smirk a little bit.

"I said I kissed you and you kissed back."

I let out a whimper, holding back the tears. So Chris was angry because his brother had kissed me? I had kissed back, but it was just an impulse, after that I had tried to push him away. But he wouldn't move.

"Why would you do that?" I hugged my knees to my chest. "You're not only hurting me, you're hurting him too."

Hurt flashed through his eyes, but Brandon quickly hid it. His lips curled into a smile.

"I don't think he's that sad though."

My heart started beating a lot faster and my breath got caught in my throat. By then, my head was pounding.


Brandon handed me his phoene, without taking his eeys off the street; there was a picture.

"You know what they say," He replied quietly to my low whisper. "A pic is worth more than..."

I tuned him out.

Chris was naked with another guy.

"Hey, I'm seriuosly sorry." Brandon said, reaching to touch my shoulder. "I... Was mean but it was fair you knew the truth."

He kept talking but I wasn't listening. We had been parked outside his house for fifteen minutes and I wasn't planning on getting out anytime soon. I wasn't ready to face Chris yet. In fact, I was never going to be ready. I couldn't just walk into his room to find him with another guy in bed. And the funny thing; was that I wasn't angry. I kind of understood.

Who could ever love someone like you?

I was feeling low again and I had just left the clinic. I couldn't even imagine having to bear a fight with Chris at a time like that. But when Brandon got out of the car I knew I had to get out, because sooner or later I would have to face my boyfriend.

Or ex-boyfriend for that matter.

I knocked on his door quietly, already feeling my throat getting dry. My heart was beating way faster than normal, but it didn't really matter to me. Brandon had just forced me to take my disgusting pills so I knew I was good for the day. The door flew open to reveal Chris with a bed head and only boxers.

He had sounded angry on the phone, almost furious. But there was nothing but a smile for me when he saw me. Chris really didn't hate me after all.

"Hey there, Ky-Ky." Chris opened his arms, expecting me to hug him, but I knew better than to do that.

My fingertips were starting to feel numb, just like the hole in my chest. I didn't relly feel anything except sadness. It was everywhere.

I pushed him and got into his room, searching for the boy he had fucked while I was gone. But he had obviously already left. Too bad I didn't get to see how much better than me he was.

"Ky, what are you doing?" Chris' voice sounded wary.

"You cheated on me."

His eyes were wide. "I... It was a mistake. It was just one time, I..." He ran a hand through his hair. "You kissed Brandon!" He shouted, desperate. "You kissed him back!"

"But I didn't sleep with someone else."

I got out of his room and he followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Brandon was eating cereal. Chris' eyes were glassy but I didn't care. I couldn't feel bad for him, I couldn't feel bad for myself. I just tuned out all of my feelings.

Chris glared at Brandon.

"This is all your fault." He said, pionting a finger at his brother. "You kissed him and caused all this mess!"

Brandon simply smiled sadly, still eating his cereal while I stared at nothing.

"You're wrong little broth. This." He pointed back and forth between the three of us. "Is your fault."

"How so?" Chris yelled, losing it. "How is it my fault that you're in love with my boyfriend?"

I heard Brandon laugh softly and I embraced myself for what was about to come.

"I'm not in love with your boyfriend."

I saw Chris' face turn into a confused mask and I was confused too. I had thought Brandon had a crush on me.

"He's not your boyfriend anymore." Brandon replied, smirking at how clever he was.

And I didn't know if he was clever or not. He was being an asshole, but he was right.

I wasn't Chris' boyfriend anymore.

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