16. Fevers and Shivers

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Kyler's P.O.V

I hugged the toilet seat as I emptied my stomach. Chris rubbed my back slowly and handed me a glass of water. I had the flu or something like that. Chris tried to get me to see a doctor about it, but I refused saying that I would be fine by the next day. My head was aching and my stomach felt like a punching bag. Chris carried me to his room and put me on the bed, before frowning worried.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I said when I saw him opening his mouth to speak. He shook his head and sat down next to me, I put my head on his shoulder.

"You're obviously not okay, Ky. If you're still like this tomorrow I'll take you to a doctor or something."

I closed my eyes trying to block the nausea. Chris sat me on his lap and hugged me, but I tried to pull away. I looked up and his eyes were hurt.

"I don't want you to get sick, too." I replied and he just laughed, hugging me again.

"I don't care." He kissed my neck. "I wish I was sick instead of you. Why don't you sleep a little bit? Maybe it will make you feel better."

"I'm not tired." I whined but yawned. Fuck. Chris grinned and tucked me in bed.

"I wish I could stay but I have to go see a friend."

I blushed with jealousy and he noticed. Ugh, why was I being so stupid? Chris kissed my nose. "I want you to come, but since you're pretty sick please try and get better."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep when he left the room.


I woke up sweating and cold. Great, I had a fever. I tried to rub my arms to warm up but it wasn't working. Brandon walked by and saw me shivering. He smiled and covered me with another blanket but saw me shaking with cold anyways.

"Should I...?" He hesitated. He started rubbing my back and I swear his hands were ten times warmer than all the blankets. My eyelids started to close again but the door flew open.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Chris practically growled.

I was still shaking when Brandon spoke, his voice strong and confident. "Kyler has a fever."

Chris's eyes softened but his lips were pressed together in discomfort. Brandon stood up and left before he could say anything. Chris slowly came up to me and started while I shivered with cold.

"Sorry." He muttered. "I get jealous easy."

I just nodded and he got under the covers with me, hugging me close. I stopped shaking and slowly fell asleep while he held me.

When I woke up Chris wasn't there but at least I didn't have a fever anymore. In fact, I was feeling much better. Chris entered the room just when I was about to get up, bringing breakfast with him. I gulped nervously when he sat next to me on the bed and stared, inviting me to eat something.

'I'm not really hungry." I lied, but with everything I had been eating I was going to get even fatter. He sighed. "Please? For me? Just one toast? Please." He begged.

I lost myself in his ocean eyes and nodded. Once I had finished I smiled at him and he looked really happy. I bit my lip nervously.

"What is it?" Chris asked and wrapped his arms around me.

"Do you still see the boy you liked when you... Umm..."

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