5. Showing Scars

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Kyler's P.O.V

A week had passed and Brandon hadn't been to school since the day Chris saw him teasing me. It had been the best week of my life; no bullying and being with Chris after school. But nothing good ever stays. I tried to believe in Chris, he had said Brandon wouldn't tease me anymore but I was still scared. Perhaps it would be worse.

"I wanna talk to you."

His voice made me shiver. Was he going to beat me up? Brandon grabbed me by my arm and took me to the bathroom. I was trembling with fear. God don't let him beat me. Don't beat me, please, please, please.

Brandon grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up.

"Listen to me, you little shit." He hissed. "If you hurt my brother I swear I'll cut your balls off and make you eat them. Understood?"

I nodded.

"And I won't beat you anymore, for the sake of my brother. But if you ever, ever, make him cry I swear to God I'll beat the fag out of you."

With that he pushed me and left the bathroom. I rubbed my arm quietly, it was so itchy. I wasn't in the mood for class so I just sat there and scratched my arm, full of cuts. I wish I was normal.

Emo. Fag. Freak. Queer. Cutter. Ugly. Stupid.

I just wanted to end it all, but I couldn't. Chris would suffer and my mom and my little brother... I couldn't go.

I grabbed my phone and texted Chris.

"Hi, I just saw Brandon."

His reply was instant, like he was expecting me to text him which made me smile.

"Did he hit you? Are you okay?"

I texted back quickly.

"I'm okay. I'm thinking about skipping school today."

"Sounds like fun. The park? In about... Ten minutes?"

I smiled and got up, hurrying to the park to meet Chris.

He was already there when I got to the place and he was smiling at me. He was wearing skinny jeans and a v-neck shirt.


Chris pecked me on the lips and smiled. "How are you beautiful?" I blushed madly.

"Fine and you?"

He frowned, grabbing my hands. "Why are you always wearing hoodies? Or long sleeve shirts?"

My head started racing madly. I couldn't let him know. He would think I was a freak, he would hate me. I laughed nervously. "I'm cold, it's winter!"

He was still frowning. "These are the last days of winter and it's getting hot. Do you have like a big ugly tattoo you don't want me to know about? Perhaps an ex-boyfriend's name?

I hugged him and hid my face from his eyes. "It's nothing, really. I'm just cold."

Chris hugged me back and played with my hair, making me giggle. "You're so cute when you laugh." He whispered in my ear softly.

"I'm not cute at all." I mumble against his chest.

"Whatever you say beautiful."

"I'm not beautiful either." I half-whispered in to his neck. I felt his arms around me tightening.

"You're beautiful and whoever said otherwise is a fucking idiot."

I blushed but he couldn't see.

"Come on, let's go get somthing hot to drink." He pulled away and we walked together to the coffee shop we had been to last time. The heat was on and I was dying to take off my oversized hoodie but I couldn't. Chris noticed this too and frowned again.

"Baby if there's a reason you can't take it off you have to tell me. I'm not going to laugh if you have three arms or something like that."

I shook my head, trying to think of an excuse. "I-I just can't."

"Listen, since I've met you you're always wearing hoodies and stuff and I was just wondering why, now I see there's more behind it. You can trust me, seriously. Do you have a mark or som-"

I ran out of the shop before he could finish. I couldn't let him know, I didn't want to lose the most important person in my life. I turned around and saw that Chris had followed me. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Kyler, we need to talk about this. I don't know what's going on, why are you so scared? Did I do something wrong?" He looked like he was about to cry too.

Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't hide anymore, I had to tell him. Even if telling him I cut myself was the last thing I would ever tell him. I took off my hoodie and started crying harder.

"This is the problem!!" I shouted, pointing to the scars that decorated my arms, everything was blurry because of the tears. "SEE? SEE THESE SCARS!? I'M A FREAK OKAY!? I CUT MYSELF AND I WANT TO DIE AND I'M SORRY IF THAT MAKES YOU HATE ME, I'M SORRY!!!"



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