"What happened to us? Why are we like this?" He asked. Good question.

"Max. I hate fighting with you. It makes me feel shittier." I said, holding in my emotions. He walked over and hugged me. His warmth filled me and I secretly smiled. I miss his hugs. My sleeve brushed against his shoulder and it pulled up. He's going to see my cuts. I quickly pulled away but he grabbed my arm.

"Max please," I begged and tried to pull away from his grasp. He pulled my sleeve up and gasped.

"Stella." He whispered. Tears gathered to my eyes. He hates me. "Why?"

"I-I just. I'm. Max." I tried to explain but I didn't know how. His grip soften, I quickly pulled away and ran. I opened the door and Adam was standing outside of it. I looked at him and his eyes soften. I need to get out of here. I turned and ran. I ran to the front door. John tried to drop me but I was too fast. I was almost to the door when I got whipped around. I was starting at Max, tears running down my face. He pulled me in and kissed me. The world stopped. Everything blurred out except for his face. He let go and held on to me ad my legs gave out. He wiped the tears off of my face. I heard clapping from the background but I didn't care. It's was a long time since I got kissed. Last one was from Max, but it didn't feel like this. This kiss felt bigger. More compassion, more love. Does he love me? Do I love him?

"Stella," he breathed out. I let him pull up the rest of my sleeves, relaving all of the cuts. I knew his heart was shattered as he looked at me.

"Why?" He asked again. I couldn't answer him, I don't know why. He realized that I wasn't going to talk so he hugged me again. I looked around and everyone was staying at us. I locked eyes on Ross. He didn't know I cut. He looked disappointed. I mouthed a sorry but he ignored and walked away. My heart broke. Ross. I broke Max's hug and went after Ross.

"Just let him be," Max called after me. I turned to him.

"I need him, Max." I said and walked away. I went to his office and knocked on the door.

"Not now Stella. I'm busy," he said coldly. I was taken aback by his tone.

"Ross. Please let me-"

"Just go," he said, I interrupted me.

"Ross, come on-"

"I said leave!" He yelled. I stepped back. I just lost my brother I never had.

"I'm fine," I said as I sensed someone coming up behind me. I turned and saw it was John.

"Dirt," he said, sarcastically.

"Bitch," I snapped, referring to his office nickname. He laughed and walked away. Who can't laugh at him? I mean he's such. Well dirt. I shook my head and walked to my office. I shut the door and turned on the recording light. I looked at the clock, ten minutes past three. I don't want to do anything. I'm not in the mood to do anything. I messed up. I messed up bad. I let feelings get in the way of my work. How stupid am I? If this was a different job I would have been fired by now. I messed up with Max. I messed up with Ross. Ross. Fuck, I really messed up. Why can't it go back to the easy days, where I never meet them. What if I would have never went to Papa Johns or Subway? I would have never hurt Ross. I would have never hurt Max. I never wanted to hurt them. What happened to me? Am I bringing the office down? Since I've been here, the guys has been drifting apart. Comments has been awful. Apparently, Ross and Adam aren't there usually shelves. John is well, the usual Barney. Am I doing this? Should I leave? Forget everything on what happened? But I'll be leaving my friends. Emily, Alesa, Adam, John. Ross. Fuck my life.

I sighed and went to read all the fan comments.

I love your videos!

Keep doing what your doing!

You and Max will be a great couple!


I love you Stella!

Gosh, I love my fans. They have been so awesome since the truth about me video. I love them so much. A knock on my door drew me out of my thoughts.

"Stella? What's taking you so long to record?" Adam asked, outside my door. I didn't realize I was still crying so I wiped off my tears. "Stella?" He asked, inpatiently. I didn't bother pulling down my sleeves as everybody knew what I did. I quietly opened the door. Adam stood there smiling. Perfect time to ask him.

"Its almost out break, I was wondering if you wanted to watch some anime." He said, rocking on his heels.

"Actually, I needed to talk to you," I said and looked around. Ethan, Jordan, Tristan, and Tim were at their desk. "Alone" I ushered him in and shut the door.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Should I leave? Leave the offices?" I asked straight out. He was surprised on my question.

"Wait what? Why?" He assked, bewildered. I signed and sat down.

"I'm breaking this office apart. Fans think that your content to getting worse. It all started when I came. Everyone has been splitting apart, not really talking to each other anymore. I feel like I'm doing this. I hurt so many people. I feel like shit about hurting Ross. He's like a brother. I betrayed him, he didn't tell him what was going on." I said, and took a breath.

"Wait, just stop. Your being irrational." He skilled. "You proud? I used a big word." He trued to lighten up the room but it wasn't working. "Tough crowd. Anyway, where did all this come from?"

"I just thought of it. If I didn't go to Papa John's and Subway I would have never met you guys. I would have never messed up your relationship with them. Bros before hoes? Don't you guys go by that?"

"Stella. You need to stop. We love you here. I think you brought us together than drifting apart. In these offices, we are family. And family will help one another no matter the cause. They would drop everything for you. They all helped me during my depression. In fact, they are helping me with it again. Stella, you're amazing. I hope you know your the only one who makes Max happy. That's pretty impossible but you took up the challenge. Your the most brightest person in these offices." He said.

"Well Max isn't that bad. He's, well, Mad Max." I said smiling.

"I heard that!" Someone said outside my door.

"Shhh!" Someone elsrse said. Adam and I looked at each other and I opened the door. Everyone was standing at my door, eavesdropping. Everyone, except Ross. I looked around for him because he's door was open.

"He left after you talked about him," Tim said, noting my searching.

"Stella, everything Adam said is true. I'll stop in the middle of an important meeting for you. For anyone." Max said. Everybody agrees. I smiled. I have the best friends ever.

"Thanks guys. But I need to find Ross." I said and turned away. "Alone." I added when I saw Max step forward. He sighed and stepped back. I continued walking. I went outside and saw that Ross was sitting on the bench. I walked to him and sat down.

"So are you going to tell me that you are terminal cancer and you are going to die soon? I won't be surprised since you kept your self harm from me." He said, coldly, still staring off in space. Ouch, that hurt. "Or better yet are you going to tell me that you are thinking about leaving the offices? Oh wait I already know."

"Ross, I'm sorry." I said, quietly. He snorted and laughed.

"Sorry? I'm sorry for trusting you. I'm sorry for not knowing that you were hiding something big. You know what Stella, I'm sorry for ever meeting you!" He yelled and stormed off.

I'm sorry I ever lived Ross.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I felt like shit but here is a 2000+ chapter to make up to it!

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