40; Denial

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WARNING: Angst (slightly heavy)

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

"So," You spoke, dusting off the flat surface of a tree stump before sitting on it. A single bird chirped as it flew through the trees, making use of the remaining light to find it's way home. You looked at Mark. "What are we doing today?"

He was silent, eyes closed as he breathed in the tranquility of the forest. His mouth was set to a firm line when he reopened his eyes, holding an uncharacteristic seriousness - although it only lasted for a moment, much to your relief.

"I don't know," He shrugged, already turning his attention back to the rustling trees. You hummed aloud, pretending to think of something, though you really wanted Mark to suggest something this time around.

His eyes flickered to the nearby ocean, eyebrows raising ever so slightly in interest as he gazed at the sparkling water, it's calm waves now mirroring the sunset.

He snapped his head back towards you. "Maybe we can go sit by the water - it looks beautiful right now."

Your eyes lit up, breaking your eye contact as you lifted your body up with both hands on either side, looking past his messy hair and to the vast ocean that rested about 5 minutes away.

Jumping off your makeshift seat with a grin, you sprinted towards Mark, catching his hand as you continued to briskly walk. "Yeah, let's go!"

Leaves crunched under your shoes as you made your way through the small forest, grasping Mark's soft hands - so soft it felt like it wasn't really there - and slowing down when the path became steep. Dodging the golden yellow rays that cut through the trees, you both carefully slid down the hill, releasing your firm hold on each other's hands once you've reached the bottom.

A small smile formed on your lips as you stood on the cliff, right hand placed right above your eyebrows, shielding your eyes from the harsh sun; even though it was now a deep orange as it dipped into the horizon. Silence hung in the air between the two of you as you sat side by side, feet dangling on the edge of the cliff. It wasn't a far drop down, so being right there didn't make you too tense.

You glanced at Mark from time to time, taking in his relaxed features little by little. It's almost as if he was one with nature with his peaceful presence; and although today felt somewhat off without your usual laughter and long conversations, you managed to ignore it and appreciate the days where you could just admire your surroundings and be together without talking.

It was a tradition for you and Mark to meet up in a certain clearing in the woods right before the sun began to set. He had been your closest friend for years. But this tradition of yours was fairly recent - starting about a year ago, perhaps. You could barely remember when, why or how it even happened; but you never questioned it and he did the same. Even at 26, even though you had work, you managed to find a way to reunite every day at the same spot. Call it silly if you want - but you just couldn't bring yourself to stop it.

Oh, and of course, with all those years of spending time with Mark, whether it be playing video games at his house until midnight or stargazing or walking around town and pointing out random trinkets in stores - it was almost impossible not to fall in love with him.

You could never forget the times when you would walk around the little shop area with Mark and get stopped by sweet, old ladies or couples who would comment about how cute you two were. With slightly blushing faces and an awkward smile, you'd explain that you're just friends, earning an apology from the elders, although it was given with a knowing smile. Even your friends began to notice your constant texting and hangouts and straightforwardly asked you if you had a crush on him. What did you do?

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