31; Shorts - Cliché Edition

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A/N: Based on all those cliché love stories/movies. Sorry if my works have been kinda crappy lately! Please give me some feedback in the comments if you can! Do you like this writing style, are these imagines okay? I'm sorry, I just kinda need reassurance ;-; Anyways, have a great day!

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You grumbled as you walked by another couple that was making out. For God's sake, they're in a public place!

Entering the book store with a scowl, you immediately headed to your favorite section, staying away from the romance novels that had nothing but unrealistic conversations and over-dramatic arguments; at least, to you, it seemed that way.

It was plain obvious that you weren't a fan of relationships and affection. You just didn't get it; why would you spend so much time giving someone your all only to have it dropped and shattered, leaving you with a heart in the same state while the other continued on without a care. Sure, sometimes love could give you a strong feeling of pure bliss, but the cons weigh a tad bit heavier from your point of view. You were perfectly fine by yourself.

Your hands trailed the spines of the books, slowly walking down the aisle, looking for the book your friend recommended. Once you found it, you pulled it out and began to read the back, nodding your head as you inspected it in interest. You decided to come back to it later if you didn't find anything better, so you placed it back on the shelf and walked through random sections, looking at any book that caught your eye.

Just as you were about to grab a thick, white book, another hand touched yours. You quickly retracted your hand, closing it to a fist as you looked up at the person in front of you.

Your tense facial expression relaxed once you locked eyes. He was cute.

"Oh, uh, sorry," You squeaked, looking away.

You cringed at your voice. No, no. This can't be happening. You were not going to let yourself be flustered over a man.

"It's fine," He smiled, and your head shot up at his voice.

"Here," He grabbed the book, handing it to you. "You can take it."

"No! No, it's fine, really. You take it," You said, smiling sheepishly.

"Alright then."

You two parted ways, still continuing to explore the shop. But as you were mindlessly strolling around, you found yourself thinking about that stranger you encountered.

Stopping in your tracks, you shook your head, trying to forget about him and his fading blue hair. You've met numerous guys, and some of them were cute as well, so why on earth was this guy different?

You made your way to the entrance with a huff, deciding not to get any books today. You were a few feet away from the door when you felt a tap on your back. Turning around, you were greeted by the intriguing stranger once again, making your heart stop.

"I, um, this might sound kinda strange, but..." He spoke, nervously fiddling with his thumbs as his eyes looked away from yours.

"Would you like to go out sometime?"

Ah, the irony of it all.

Despite your rants about how stupid love was and your eye rolls whenever a chick flick was suggested on Netflix, you found your face heating up and your stomach twisting with newfound emotions that spread throughout your body. A small voice in you was urging you to say, "Yes".

And so, you did.

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You sighed in content as you entered the coffee shop, the smell of mocha relaxing you. Surprisingly, the line wasn't long, making you feel a bit better than you already were.

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