27; Soulmates (Version 2)

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Note: This one was requested by @nicodiangelohno so therefore its dedicated to him as well. Shoutout to the other male readers out there! As always, have a great day! x

Edit: I started this a while back but only finished it tonight (lol) AND IT SUCKS OKAY I LIKE THE START BUT THE ENDING SUCKS SO EXPECT A REWRITE (what a bad way to come back jesus christ @ self)

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7 Years Ago

The moon shone bright along with the millions of stars, a cool breeze blowing through your open window. Today was your 18th birthday.

After a long, but fun day with your friends and family, you sat quietly in your room, fumbling with the narrow box that was in your hands. It had an intricate design; painted with a royal blue, scattered with thin, silver lines and covered with tiny, yellow stars. It was beautiful, emitting a mysterious aura that quirked your curiosity. You felt somewhat attached to it, and you knew why. It was yours, specifically made just for you, just like how everyone was born with their own fingerprint. There was no other like it.

You took a deep breath before opening it. Inside laid a watch with similar colors as the box, except it had a glimmering silver strap, and the royal blue was in the face. You carefully took it in your hands, even though you knew it was indestructible. You clasped it onto your wrist and it adjusted itself. Once it turned on, numbers changing rapidly displayed on the glowing screen. You held your breath as you watched it slow down.

7 Years, 5 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 37 Minutes, 21 Seconds

'7 Years, huh?' You thought to yourself, letting out a sigh.

The clear sky was suddenly taken over by dark clouds. Your head snapped up at the sudden change of lighting before reaching over to the lamp that was placed on your bedside table. You flicked it on before laying down on your bed, glancing at the sky that was about to start drizzling.

You have been waiting for your 18th birthday ever since you've watched your older sister receive her watch when you were 14. She told you about the strange tradition of meeting your soulmate. On your 18th birthday, you get a watch that counts down to the day you meet your soulmate. Of course, if you don't want it, you don't have to use it. Your mom squealed and your dad smiled when she put it on and discovered that she would meet her partner in a year. When she did, you've never seen her more happier.

Since that day, you'd look up at the stars every night right before you sleep, wondering who your soulmate would be. And now here you were, looking at your watch before closing your eyes, hoping those 7 years would pass by quicker.

Present Time - 7 Days, 13 Hours, 4 Minutes, 38 Seconds

You sighed, plopping down on the couch beside your best friend.

"Long day, huh?" She asked, placing a potato chip in her mouth.

"Yep." You huffed, closing your eyes.

You heard her chuckle at her favorite show before feeling the prickling texture of plastic on your arm.

"Do you want one?"

You shook your head, and silence fell between the two of you. The only sound was the tv in the background.

You shifted and opened your eyes, looking at the tv before turning to your best friend who gave you a small smile.

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