Chapter Sixteen

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"Niall, mate. Why are you holding Avery's hand?" Liam asks with an eyebrow raised.

I look down at our hands and warmth spreads throughout my cheeks. I quickly let go of Avery's hand.

"I'm going to go get some food." I turn and walk away, heading towards the many mini restaurants spread throughout the airport.

For once I'm not really that hungry but I needed to step away from that situation.

"Hey mate. What was that about?" Liam runs up beside me as I walk into Chick-Fil-A.

I walk up to the counter and order my food. "You want anything?" I ask Liam.

"I want to know what that was about."

"Nothing." I say handing the lady at the counter my money. I wait for my food.

"Here you go sir." The lady hands me the food. I take it and pick out a table. I sit down and Liam sits down in front of me.

"You fancy her. Don't you?" He asks stealing one of my fries.

"Hey. That's my fry you just stole."

"Don't change the subject Nialler. Just tell me if you fancy her." He says making hand gestures.

"Yes. I do, but don't Louis. Besides, she doesn't feel the same way." I say taking a sip of my soda.

"I won't tell him, but Niall, she feels the same trust me. You just have to make the first move." I nod my head and finish off my sandwich and fries.

"We better get goin, our flight leaves in twenty minuets." I stand up and throw away my trash.

We walk out the door and head back towards our terminal.

"Where'a Zayn?" Liam asks Harry and Louis who are standing right at the terminal.

"He went to tell Avery that we're leaving soon." Louis speaks up.

"Here they come." Harry points behind me and Liam.

Zayn and Avery are walk towards us talking about something. They stop talking and she starts smiling to herself.

They finally reach us.

"Avery! It's time to get on the plane. Snap out of it." Louis snaps his fingers in her face. She shakes her head, snapping out of it.

"Oh. Sorry I was just thinking." She blushes

Long Lost Princess • N.H. •discontinued•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu