Chapter Eight

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*******************************************NIALL'S POV

Before Louis left, he pulled me aside.

"Hey, tell me straight up, do you like my sister as in like a girlfriend?" He asked me.

"Yea..." I looked at the ground.

"It's alright lad, I'd rather you date her than Harry, because Harry is, Harry." Louis said. I understood, Harry was, well, he was a player sometimes. Basically he was giving me his blessing, or whatever. I appreciated it cause the last thing I wanted to do make Lou mad.

"Alright well the lads are waiting on me, so I better go." He waved goodbye then shut the door.

"What was that all about?" Avery asked.

"Nothing." I lied, looking at the ground, and smiling like an idiot. I stopped smiling and looked at Avery, she was squinting at me, as if trying to decide if I was lying.

"So about how long will it take them to get to your house, and get you clothes?" I said grabbing the remote, and I lied down in the hospital bed.

"Well my house is about 20 minuets away, and it will most likely take them 30 minuets just to find me clothes."

"Well okay then, we have about 50 minuets." I patted the spot next to me, for her to come lay down next to me, and watch the telly. She lied down next to me, and I put my arm around her shoulder.

"What's your favorite movie?" I asked as she lay her head on my shoulder. I looked straight into her blue/grey eyes.

"Grease, I've loved that movie since I was a little girl. My dad would play it all the time." My eyes lit up.

"Really? That's my favorite too." I searched for it in the search bar, and when I found it, I clicked on it, and it started.

We were about an hour and thirty minuets into the movie when the guys came back. Each of them came in with an outfit in hand.

"Oh my gosh! What did you do, bring my whole closet?" Avery laughed.

"No we just have different styles." Liam said holding a plain purple shirt and some light colored skinny jeans. Harry was holding a turquoise V-neck with a white under shirt and a pair of jeans that were dark on the out side, and light in the middle. Louis was holding, of course, a dark blue/grey striped V-neck and another white undershirt with dark bedazzled skinny jeans, and Zayn was holding a comfy black tee-shirt with light colored ripped skinny jeans.

"Is that all you have, is skinny jeans?" I asked Avery. She bit her lip.

"Yea, I don't like flare jeans or boot cut jeans. Skinny jeans just... look better to me." She got up, and walked over to the lads.

"Do y'all have any of my shoes?"

"Uhhh, yea we have some black sparkly converse, that have are names on them, that go with every single one of these outfits." Louis said pointing to the converse. Avery blushed.

"You wrote our names on your shoes?" I asked her.

"No, I wrote your names, and your nicknames on my shoes." She giggled. She took off my hoodie, handed it to me, and picked up the shirt that Liam was holding, and the jeans that Zayn was holding, and went to the bathroom.

A few Minuets later she came out of the bathroom, took my hoodie out of my arms, and put it on. She slipped on her green socks, and put on her shoes. She looked... incredible, to me.

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