"It's just.."


"Just listen.."

"God shut your mouth, would you?" he shouts.

This jerk! How dare he shout at me? He brought me here, literally dragging me out of the place and now I can't even question what's wrong? I knew this won't work out, you want to fight? fine then!

"Look Mr. I can't stand this situation ok? I have lots of question in my mind and if I don't get to throw these questions I'm going to explode because unlike you I don't have the ability to store everything in my head and not letting out my thoughts okay?" I rant.

The car halts and thanks to the seat belt I wasn't thrown in front.

He gives me a death glare.

"and also stop giving me those looks. I won't stop until I get my answers." I manage to shout at him, while fearing him deep down.

"So you won't stop eating my head until you throw your questions at me." His eyes shoot daggers at me.

"Yes." I answer, glaring back at him.

"Fine shoot!" He faces forward.

Is this for real? The great demon-lord Ryoma-sama allows me to speak? Wow!

"Why did we leave the party like that? You literally dragged me out of that party. I was talking to your brother I couldn't even take my leave properly, what must be they thinking? Is this the way you always behave?" I shout in one breath.

"Done?" He asks me with a sarcastic smile.

What the hell? Now this guy has gotten me mad! At first doesn't let me speak and now that I asked him a number of question, Done? is how he answers me. Idiot! jerk! donkey! monkey!

"Just what the hell is your problem? Why is so difficult to make a conversation with you? Are you always a jerk or is it just me? Oh wait you were a jerk to your brother a few minutes ago." I shout at him.

"He's not my brother and how I talk to him or treat him it's none of your business, did you forget the contract? Let me remind you, Rule no. 2 do not interfere in my life and you don't need to talk to him or have anything to do with him got it?" He hisses.

This jerk! Seriously, I'm going to kill him someday!

"What? I was just having a friendly talk with him. I don't inherit your ability to ignore someone like a thin air! I can't ignore someone when he comes to talk to me. Plus he's family." I shout at him.

"Whatever. Don't forget that this is a contract marriage and there is of course no need to try to act friendly with anyone especially with a guy like him. Stay away from him as far as possible!" He warns me.

"firstly, you don't tell me what to do! God! You're such a jerk! There he was talking all good about you and look at you I can't even find a tiny bit of goodness in you. You're just a selfish, arrogant jerk and you're telling me he's not a good guy well this much I know that he's at least better than a jerk like you." I yell at him totally losing it.

"Really? then what are you doing with this jerk in his car." He leans in close.

"W-what do you mean?" I raise a brow.

He gets out of the car, open the door and pulls me out.

w-what the hell?

"So if I'm rude, arrogant and jerk and if he really is a prince charming, your knight in the shining armor then why not go to him instead?" He grabs my arms tightly.

"Look Mr. I only said that he looked a nice guy to me. No one said about being a prince charming or knight in the shining armor or anything where did that come from?" I say lowering my voice trying to hide my anger because something tells me i should do this right now, I'm not liking my situation here.

And wait, at a closer look.

"Are you drunk?" I ask him.

"oh now you don't like a drunk husband, my dear wife? then just go and tell your prince charming to drop you home 'k?" He leaves my hand and sits inside the car.

"Wait." I try to open the door but he has locked it.

"Hey! Open this damn door. Y-you're really not leaving me here are you?" I look at him in horror.

"Good night, dear wife. Have a safe trip home with your prince 'k?" He waves at me.

"Hey mad man! Just open this damn door okay. It's bad joke, a very bad one." I yell at him.

"I don't joke." and with that he drives off.

"Hey you jerk! hey!" I shout running behind the car but he pays no heed and leaves me alone in the middle of the night in the middle of an unknown road.

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