Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

"I'll go tell Tawnystar before anything-"

"No. I have more energy, and can swim and run faster. Walk back to camp. Your probably exhausted." Roseleaf cut Sparrowleg off, already racing back to camp. Within two minutes, she was heading up the slope that led to the hollow. She leapt down the rocks, and raced over to where Tawnystar sheltered. "Tawnystar! Tawnystar wake up!"

Tawnystar shot out of her den, Reedstorm close behind. "What's the problem?" He meowed gruffly.

"The camp is on fire!" Roseleaf looked behind her, seeing the queens nudging their terrified kits to the entrance.

Sparrowleg, Willowstone and Smokepaw ran up to them. "It's true! We saw it! It's close to camp!"

Tawnystar nodded. "I trust your judgement, Sparrowleg, Willowstone. And you too, Smokepaw. I expect all elders and queens out first."

With that, the camp became chaos. Roseleaf dashed over to the elders den, Willowstone and Sunflower right behind her. Whiteclaw, Silvershadow and Nettlesplash cowered, horrified. Roseleaf grasped Whiteclaw's scruff, wishing that the elders didn't need to eat so much. She pulled him onto his feet, and helped him scramble to the entrance. When they emerged, she saw Pineheart herding Mapleleaf to the entrance, with Creeksplash nudging Cinderkit. The dark gray she-kit looked around, eyes wide. Flamerock padded beside her, nudging the exact copy of him along. Applekit looked spooked. Mintleaf nudged Stonekit up the entrance, and picked Cinderkit up by the scruff as Creeksplash got up.

The dawn patrol arrived, and Birchfall was the first to dive into the surge of camp. Smoke was now heavy, and Roseleaf hurried the old Tom forward. "Hurry!" She hissed through her teeth, hiding the terror that she felt.

Birchfall dashed over. "Roseleaf! Your ok!" He nuzzled her, but she shook him off. He looked at her, surprised. "Did I do something wrong?"

Roseleaf nudged the old Tom again. They were almost at the entrance. Smoke now filled the air, and Roseleaf could see a bit of flickering orange approaching. "No. You didn't do anything wrong, but can't you see that our camp is on fire and we need to get everyone out?" The old Tom stumbled, and she helped him back up.

Birchfall looked at her with an undressing gaze before vanishing into the whirling smoke. Cats poured out of camp, and the two other elders huddled at the top, refusing to go any further without Whiteclaw. Roseleaf helped him up the stones, and looked back into the camp. Birchfall, Reedstorm and Tawnystar were the last cats getting out. They launched themselves out of the hollow and they raced after the clan. They crossed the stream surrounding the camp, and stopped to rest at the lake.

Honeyleaf weaved her way around the cats, Sweetpaw, Thistlepaw and Smokepaw following, holding herbs.

"None, Honeyleaf." Willowstone answered, licking the elders matted fur.

A worried mew from Creeksplash interrupted them. "Where's Cinderkit? She was following me out of camp!"

"Where's Sunflower? She was beside me while we were in the forest!" Duskwater piped up.

Roseleaf stood up. "I'll go find them."

Reedstorm stood up with Birchfall. Birchfall was the first to speak. "No!"

"Are you telling me to let them die without a search?" Roseleaf challenged him.

Reedstorm stepped between them. "There's no time to talk. If your going, let me come." He looked at Tawnystar, who gave a sad, but approving nod. "Good. Lets go."

Roseleaf darted after her father. "What if we can't find them?"

Reedstorm didn't slow down. "I don't know."

Roseleaf gulped as she followed her father. Will we ever find them?

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