Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Rosepaw trudged back to camp, Smoke by her side. Honeyleaf and Sweetpaw had come to check up on the cats, and they had been devastated at the news of Redkit's death. However, because Rosepaw was only there to take care of Redkit, she could go back the following morning.

"Can you swim?" Rosepaw asked as they neared the stream.

Smoke nodded confidently. "Yes."

"Ok. I'll go first. Follow carefully. The current can be strong at the middle." Rosepaw nodded to Smoke before slipping into the stream. She kicked out with her hind legs, happy to feel water tugging at her fur. She stepped up onto the bank, shaking herself dry. She turned around. "It's ok. The streams slower today."

Smoke nodded before slipping into the water with a little splash. He swam towards the shore strongly, but not as fast and as delicate as Rosepaw. He climbed out of the water, shaking his fur dry. The water shed off his fur like it was what Twolegs called 'rubber'. "Lead the way."

Rosepaw nodded, whisking up the island, and stopped at the edge of the Stone Hollow. She smiled, looking at the bustling camp beneath her before opening her mouth and yowling as loud as she could. The warriors and apprentices looked up, and noticing her, yowled joy-fully back, some standing on their hind-legs the way Reedstorm and Birchfall were. She happily raced down the stone trail leading out of camp, and Tawnystar raced over to her, licking her vigorously. "Thank StarClan your alive!"

Rosepaw looked behind her, to where Smoke was nervously climbing down the wall. She scampered over to him. Once he got down, Rosepaw faced the crowd. "I have terrible news. Redkit passed last night."

A wail went up from somewhere to her right, and Rosepaw glanced towards her left and saw Mintleaf weeping into Sparrowleg's fur, her tail wrapped protectively around Stonekit. Sparrowleg's eyes were glazed with sadness, and Stonekit looked down at his paws.

Rosepaw focused back on Tawnystar. "But while I was at the barn, I met Smoke." She flicked her tail to the gray-and-white Tom. "And I told him about clan-life. I know that it's out of my power to let him join, but he wishes to."

Tawnystar narrowed her eyes. "I will think about it. Reedstorm, Stormcloud, Sparrowleg, Clearsky and Hailheart may come in my den to discuss this. Meanwhile, I want Duskwater and Willowstone to accompany Mintleaf." Tawnystar flicked her tail to the cats that would join her, and led them into her den. Rosepaw turned to Smoke. "I'm sure that you'll be accepted. If anything, you'll just have to become an apprentice."

Smoke shrugged. "What if they say no?"

Rosepaw sighed. "Then there's many other RiverClan cats who are sick and need company."

They both hopped onto SkyStone, and Shared Tongues in the SunHigh warmth.

A/N ok...a big surprise is coming soon! I hope that you don't think any less of me because of it!

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