Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Rosekit bounded up to SkyStone as the other cats emerged out of their dens. Tawnystar went on. "Today is a great day for RiverClan. One of our kits are ready to become an apprentice. But first, I must say another ceremony. Maplepaw, please step forward."

Shock crossed the young she-cats face as she weaved through the cats to get beneath SkyStone.

"Maplepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code as long as you shall live?" Tawnystar's voice echoed around the stone Hollow, which sheltered the dens.

Maplepaw's eyes brightened. "I do."

Tawnystar smiled. "Then from this day on, you shall be known as Mapleleaf. StarClan honours your skill and courage, and we welcome you as a full member of our clan."

"Mapleleaf! Mapleleaf! Mapleleaf!" The clan chanted her name.

Tawnystar turned to Rosekit. "And now that we have room for another apprentice, I think that she earns her apprentice name. Rosekit, please step forward."

Rosekit shakily took a step forward, aware of the clan looking at her dripping wet pelt.

"Rosekit, from this day forward, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Rosepaw. Your mentor shall be Sunflower. Sunflower, I expect you to pass down everything that I taught you to Rosepaw."

"Rosepaw! Rosepaw! Rosepaw!" The clan chanted her name loudly as they had done for Mapleleaf, but one voice shouted the loudest,

It was Birchpaw.

He ran over to her. "Great! Now you can train with me! Finally. It's been forever since I've had you next to me!"

Something about how his words made Rosepaw feel made her blush. She smiled shyly. "Uh, yeah. I miss having you I'm the same den."

Birchpaw's smile faltered, but he kept his cheerful attitude on. "I've been preparing for you to join us-"

Tawnystar had lashed her tail for silence. "We have another announcement to hear, but it is not mine to say. Duskwater, you may continue."

Rosepaw looked on at Duskwater and couldn't help but notice other warriors staring at her with astonishment. However, all the queens were looking on with pride. Duskwater turned to face the crowd. "Me and Stormcloud are having kits."

Cheers erupted from the clan and Rosepaw smiled happily. More kits meant a healthier clan.

Stormcloud wound himself up in front with Duskwater, but quickly talked to her in a hushed voice. Had he not known? The thought washed away as Birchpaw continued chattering.

"As I was saying, I was preparing for your apprentice ceremony, so I have made a nest for you." He smiled.

Mapleleaf pushed up beside him. "Using my moss. Don't think that he'll ever go out of his way for you. No one will."

Birchpaw spun around, his fur bristling. "Don't talk to her like that!"

Mapleleaf smiled. "I'm a warrior. You can't stop me."

Birchpaw growled. "You touch one hair on her pelt and I'll shred you to pieces."

Mapleleaf made a disgusted face. "Your falling for her, aren't you? Well don't come running to me when your kits are as ugly as her." She whisked away before Birchpaw could slice her nose.

Birchpaw turned back to her, blushing. Rosepaw smiled. "She's right, isn't she? You like me."

Birchpaw blushed harder. "Uh, yeah." He smiled weakly. "I, uh, didn't want you to know yet."

Rosepaw grinned. "It's our little secret." She stood up. "I have to get some sleep. Sunflower won't appreciate me sleepy on my first day."

Birchpaw led her over to the Apprentice Den, even though she knew where it was. He slid into the tough brambles, and Rosepaw followed. She blinked, and saw she was in a dark, dimly lit den. Three dens rested at the far wall, Pinepaw already washing himself on one.

Pinepaw looked up. "The two lovebirds have flew into the coop, hm?"

Birchpaw snorted. "I know your falling for Mapleleaf. Don't go ranting on me." He slid into the middle nest, beckoning for Rosepaw to sleep in the last one. She kindly settled into it, letting Birchpaw stroke his tail down her back repeatedly. She soon fell asleep in his gentle caress.

A/N haha, sorry it took so long. My hand went numb when I was writing this and it was numb all day so I couldn't type...-.- but everything's better now, so I hope you enjoy! May StarClan light your path! :D

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