Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"Rosepaw! You can't be late for your first day!"

Rosepaw blinked her eyes open sleepily. "Did I miss anything?"

"You will if you don't hurry up! Your coming fishing with me and Pinepaw." Birchpaw whipped around, tickling her nose with the tip of his tail before leaving.

Rosepaw sat up, and drew her paw over each spray of whiskers before standing up and shaking the moss out of her pelt. Pinepaw was gone also, and Rosepaw didn't want to be the latest cat in the patrol. She stepped into the clearing, blinking in surprise at the sudden change of light. Was it SunHigh already? She scurried over to where Sunflower, Stormcloud, Birchpaw and Pinepaw were waiting. "Sorry I'm late." She mumbled.

Sunflower flicked her tail angrily, an Rosepaw flinched a little. "It's not you that's late, we've been waiting for Weedwhisker forever!"

"Forever is an overstatement. If you waited forever, you would have been waiting till the end of the clans. Surely it's not the end of the clans, is it?" Rosepaw stated simply.

Birchpaw shuffled closer to Rosepaw. "Don't say anything logic to them! It even took me awhile at first to understand you." He whispered fiercely into her ear-fur.

Rosepaw blushed under the other cats' stares. "Here comes Weedwhisker!" She changed the subject as soon as Weedwhisker slunk out of the Warriors Den.

He lumbered over to them. "Miss anything?"

Sunflower shook her head. "No. Lets go fishing then." She climbed up the stone trail leading out of camp.

Rosepaw jumped ahead of her, bouncing up the trail. As Rosepaw got to the top, she gasped. She was on an island, the stone hollow cut into the island. A small stream ran all the way around the island. "This is awesome!" She raced over to a part in the reeds. The last time she went into the stream with Tawnystar, she had been showed out of camp through the lower part of camp, and you couldn't see the whole island from there. She stared into the deep blue water, and saw fresh carp swimming past. She smiled.

Sunflower padded up to her, out of breath. "Aren' the...clans...don' that...again..."

Rosepaw didn't look up to the golden warrior. "Can I try to catch one?"

"Let the apprentices show you first." Sunflower flicked her tail to where Pinepaw and Birchpaw were watching Stormcloud help her father out of the hollow. Birchpaw was the first apprentice there, Pinepaw following closely. Sunflower flicked her tail to Pinepaw. "You may try first."

Pinepaw puffed his chest out with dignity as he pushed past his brother to get to the stream. He leaned over the water, and Rosepaw could pick out everything he was doing wrong.

His shadow over-hung the water, and he snorted, making the fish swim further away. He reached his paw over the water, lost his balance, and splashed into the water. Birchpaw and Rosepaw collapsed into a fit of laughter, watching him climb out of the water, fur-sodden and glaring at Birchpaw. "You try!" He growled.

Birchpaw stopped laughing. "I might not catch anything, but at least I won't do as bad as you." He leaned over the water, careful not to let his shadow touch the water, but wasn't fast enough to catch the fish. His paw hit the water, and he growled with frustration, backing away.

Sunflower sighed. "I'll teach you how to do it, because those two can't-"

Rosepaw stopped her. "No. I think I would rather try."

Sunflower cast a look over her shoulder to the other warriors, and Stormcloud just shrugged his shoulders. She looked back at Rosepaw. "Very well. You may try."

Rosepaw neared the water, and kept her shadow from touching the water, while balancing. She watched as a fish swam near her, and she pin-pointed the space the fish would be in once she brought her paw down. She slammed her paw to the water, and relief flooded her as she brought it to the surface and delivered the kill-bite.

Sunflower purred. "Very good. I guess you need no help with that. Lets bring that to the elders. Whiteclaw won't believe his eyes you caught that!"

Rosepaw trotted to camp, her lucky catch dangling in her jaws. Birchpaw padded beside her, murmuring his shock to her. Meanwhile, an angry and sodden Pinepaw followed behind. Rosepaw smiled, she had shown the clan that she had the leaders skills. Now spirit and looks would have to come soon...

A/N Hey guys! I'm sorry about the lack of chappies, *cries* I've been really busy with friends...but somehow I can have the time to read all the new chappies people post! O.o anyways, I hope you enjoy, and may StarClan light your path! :D

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