Chapter One

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Chapter One

Rosekit edged along the slippery branch. It was covered in thick, slippery frost. She unsheathed her claws, steadying herself against the wind that tugged at her fur. As she opened her eyes, she could see the other half of RiverClan territory. Rosekit had been told that the river that passed by the camp cut their territory in half. On the side their camp was on, was the ShadowClan border, and on the other side of the river was the WindClan border.

"Be careful!" Sootkit called from the trees' trunk.

By now Rosekit made it past the reed bed, and was watching as the minnows swam under the thin ice. Maybe she could reach down and catch one...

"What are you doing?" Sootkit called.

"Leave her be!" Tawnystar silenced Sootkit. "Your sister has the courage of a warrior already."

Rosekit felt hot with embarrassment as she leaned to one side, reaching towards the ice with one paw. Frustration blazed through her as her claws only grazed the ice.

"Watch out!" Sootkit squeaked.

A rush of wind exploded around Rosekit, and she tried to hold on with her three paws. A flurry of Black feathers brushed her ears.

"Frog dirt and fish guts!" She squeaked as her claws got wrenched out of the frozen bark. She twisted in the air, crashing through the ice and tumbling into the water. The frozen water knocked the breath out of her, sending shivers down her spine. Minnows darted away as she thrashed in the water, and she couldn't see which way was the shore. Panic shot through her as she fought desperately to keep her muzzle above the water. Suddenly, the reeds parted and she opened her eyes to see an elder, Whiteclaw, coming.

"I'm ok!" Rosekit spluttered, and she sank, coughing, beneath the ice.

Teeth gripped her scruff.

"Kits!" Whiteclaw mumbled as he pulled her out of the freezing water.

Shivering, Rosekit curled into a ball as Whiteclaw pushed his way through the reeds and deposited her by Tawnystar.

Purring, Tawnystar licked her ear. "Next time, grip the branch harder."

Rosekit shivered, Sootkit pressing against her sodden fur. "Don't worry, I will."

Silvershadow scurried over to Whiteclaw, her fur bristling. "What did you do that for? Now you'll catch a cold. I already can't fall asleep when Cloudheart snores!"

"What did you want me to do? Let my granddaughter drown?" Whiteclaw licked his chest fur.

"A warrior might've grabbed her!" Silvershadow retorted furiously.

"Their all busy. Now I just need to climb into my nest and get warm." Whiteclaw strod off, Silvershadow stomping furiously after him.

"I think it's time to go back to the Nursery." Tawnystar purred.

Sootkit yawned. "Can we swim tomorrow?"

Tawnystar nodded, pushing her forward with a fluffy tail. "I think I could manage to teach you."

Rosekit snuggled under Tawnystar's fluffy chest, soaking in the warmth. "Good night, Tawnystar."

Tawnystar curled her tail around Sootkit. "Good night, my two angels."

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