Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Rosepaw stood, frozen, staring into her sisters eyes. Sootpaw stared back, green eyes bulging with surprise.

"Rosekit?" She spluttered.

Birchpaw shifted his feet restlessly. "You joined those CrowFood eaters?"

Sootpaw's fur bristled. "How dare you say that about ShadowClan! We do not eat CrowFood!"

The way Sootpaw used 'we' in her sentence made Rosepaw flinch. "By the way, it's Rosepaw."

Sootpaw's fur slicked down again as she turned back to Rosepaw. "I can't believe that we met each other! I've missed you."

Rosepaw tried to understand. Then why hadn't she come back? "Then why didn't you stay?"

Sootpaw sighed. "I'm just not a true RiverClan cat. I couldn't stay. I can't swim, and what help would I be if I stayed? Remember that legendary cat named Ripplecloud? I would end up like him."

Brownpaw and Brokenpaw were as still as statues behind Sootpaw. Brownpaw ended up taking a step forward. "You mean, you weren't a rogue before? You lied?"

Sootpaw stared down at her paws. "I didn't mean for it to be a lie. I never changed my name, and I never told anybody I was a rogue."

Rosepaw padded to Sootpaw, shoulder-to-shoulder. Even if they were from different clans, she would protect her sister till the end, despite Rosepaw being the younger, smaller one. "Brownpaw, Brokenpaw. I trust my sister, despite our separation. If this is the truth, I stand by it."

Brokenpaw shrugged. "Let's just get to the gathering. Our clans will be looking all over for us. Now, Sootpaw, you can tell us about your parents."

Birchpaw found a dip in the burnt trees, over-looking the Dead Oak. Rosepaw sat on his side, Sootpaw settling beside her. Brownpaw and Brokenpaw were next. Sootpaw opened her mouth to explain. "Our father is Reedstorm, the deputy-"

Brokenpaw's face lighted up. "Which means Tawnystar is your mother! Wow!"

A tiny tortoiseshell in front of them looked over her shoulder. "Hush! The leaders are speaking."

Rosepaw looked at her mother, who was kindly watching ShadowClans leader, Darkstar, speak. "ShadowClan is doing well. Five of our kits have become apprentices. Brownpaw, Brokenpaw, Rushpaw, and Sootpaw. Young Mudpaw is training to become a medicine cat." He stepped back, flicking his tail to Tawnystar for her to speak.

Rosepaw could see her mother huff, and she could feel Tawnystar's anger of only having one more apprentice. "RiverClan is well fed. One of our apprentices, Maplepaw, has become Mapleleaf. Other then that, we have my own daughter joining the apprentices den, Rosepaw."

Rosepaw fluffed her chest fur out with pride as the clans called out her name a few times. Sootpaw leaned over. "It's your first gathering too?"

"You couldn't have guessed better. But I think Tawnystar would have been more happy to say your name too." Rosepaw shrugged. "I can't wait to tell her."

Sootpaw looked into Rosepaw's eyes worriedly. "You can't tell her! I don't want a fight to happen because Tawnystar wants me back."

Rosepaw could feel her heart breaking. "But I want you back too. Reedstorm wants you also."

Sootpaw looked down at the sandy-ground. "I'm sorry. But please do not tell anyone but Birchpaw."

Rosepaw felt as if her world had ended. "Ok. I promise."

Sootpaw looked relieved before turning back to the ThunderClan leader, Stonestar.

"-And we have two new apprentices. Hazelpaw and Berrypaw." Stonestream looked happy as Darkstar stepped forward.

"This gathering is over. We will see each other at the next gathering." Darkstar was the first to hop down from the Dead Oak, the leader of WindClan following. Heatherstar was a light brown she-cat, with a perfect, light body for chasing rabbits.

Sootpaw's mew shook her out of her thoughts. "I gotta go. See you next gathering!" She meowed cheerfully, following the two toms.

Birchpaw rested his tail on her cheek. "It's not the end of the world. At least you know she's safe. And knowing that is better then nothing."

A/N I'm sorry for the late chapter! EIGHT DAYS!!!!! I feel really bad...because Wattpad was being messed and wasn't allowin me to post anything. -.- but I wrote three chapters in those eight days, so imma try to upload ALL of them.

Tawnystar's Promiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें