Chapter Five

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Chapter Five 

Rosekit awoke. A moon had passed since Sootkit had joined ShadowClan, and for the other warriors, disappeared. Tawnystar had gotten more obsessed with holding Rosekit closer, and doing more things with her as if Rosekit would vanish also. Almost all of the warriors had stopped showing her sympathetic looks every time she went past them. Only Birchkit and Pinekit hadn't showed sympathy. They just kept on doing what they always did, and the pain of basically losing Sootkit soon died away. She could join ShadowClan and eat CrowFood for all she cared. She was a RiverClan cat, she wouldn't feel anything for a ShadowClan cat. Tawnystar rolled over in her sleep. She began to snore. Soon enough, it died away. But then the newest queen, Birdwhistle, started snoring. Rosekit got so frustrated that she just stood up and stalked out of the Nursery, almost too furious to stop before she walked into Reedstorm. He smiled down at her. 

"Up early?" 

Rosekit shrugged. "Couldn't fall back asleep." She admitted. 

"Oh well. Tonight's the gathering, you can go to sleep early and you won't be waken up." He nodded to her before leading Mintleaf, Sunflower, Flamerock, Sparrowleg, and Maplepaw out of camp.  

Rosekit proceeded to the fresh-kill pile, pulling out a small carp. She then sank her teeth into its juicy flesh, tearing a piece of fish off. She chewed it furiously. 

"Woah there! Why are you so mad at a carp?" 

Rosekit looked beside her to see Birchkit. He must've woken up. She felt hot with embarrassment and blushed. "I'm not mad." She lied. 

"Look, your my best friend! I know something's wrong." He sat down stubbornly. "I'm not leaving your side until you tell me." 

Rosekit rolled her eyes and sighed. "It's nothing." 

"Still not leaving." Birchkit flicked his tail. 

Rosekit shrugged her shoulders. "I can't even get any sleep anymore! It's like the Nursery is too small!" 

Birchkit sighed. "Me and Pinekit are moving out soon." 

Rosekit sighed heavily. "Not soon enough. By the time your apprentices, Birdwhistle will have kits and another queen will be in the Nursery!" She shrugged. "At least it's for the good of the clan." 

"Good of the clan? You mean that squishing kits is a good thing?" Birchkit said, fake surprise in his mew. 

Rosekit laughed. "No, frogbrain!" She giggled. "It's not that, it's more kits!" 

Birchkit bowled her over. "Well at least don't say things like that." 

Rosekit pushed up with her hind legs and flew a few mouse-lengths away. "Be prepared!" 

Birchkit leapt at her, and they erupted into a fit of laughter as they tumbled around the clearing. Birchkit ended up pinning her down, but Rosekit gave a mighty heave with her back legs and sent him flying again. He jumped back up, and Rosekit laughed. "Your better then you look." 

"It's all in the legs." She giggled.  

But then, a warrior named Willowstone let out a yowl.  

Tawnystar bounded out of the den. "What's wrong?" 

Willowstone flicked her tail before turning to face Rosekit's mother. "The SunHigh hunting patrol is coming back!" 

Tawnystar looked bewildered. "They left just minutes ago!" 

Willowstone was only able to shrug her shoulders as Reedstorm bounded into camp, the cats behind him looking like a pack of flustered birds. "ShadowClan! Their invading!" 

Tawnystar flicked her tail, putting a serious look on her face. She scowled, like he was holding her breath. "How many warriors?" 

Reedstorm shrugged. "As many as all warriors in a clan." 

Tawnystar furrowed her brow line. "Then we must fight. I shall not hesitate to put patrols up." She flicked her tail, taking a brief look at all the cats around her. It seemed as if all of the cats had come out of their dens as soon as Willowstone had yowled. Her eyes darkened. "Reedstorm, you will take Mintleaf, Stormcloud, Sparrowleg, Weedwhisker, Sunflower, Flamerock and Maplepaw outside camp to defend. I will join you, and the rest of the cats here may get the elders safely inside. If there comes a time, defend them. I would suggest using two dens, putting warriors on each den. Very well.  

Let the battle begin." 

A/N Hey guys! Sorry about the wait, but I've been watching Glee (huge gleek starting yesterday) and haven't been writing. Therefore, I shall update another chapter today! (Or later tonight) I hope you enjoy, and may StarClan light your path!

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