Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Rosepaw woke up in her nest. One half-moon had passed since the first gathering she had seen Sootpaw again. When Tawnystar had strode over to her to ask what happened, she had explained falling off the Tree-Bridge, but her heart pounded as she brought ShadowClans newest apprentices in. Tawnystar had just shrugged, saying that Sweetkit and Thistlekit would be made apprentices soon. Now, Sweetpaw and Thistlepaw had joined the cluster of apprentices. Mintleaf had taken over Birdwhistle's spot, expecting Sparrowleg's kits. Duskwater had her litter with Stormcloud, two toms and a she-kit. Nightkit, Graykit, and Silverkit. Just then, Birchpaw's tail had strayed over to her nose, and she sneezed, waking him up. He looked around sleepily, and his eyes brightened up as he saw her.

"Good morning. Is it time to get up?"

Rosepaw shook her head. "The dawn patrol hasn't even woken up yet."

Birchpaw sat up, licking his paw and bringing it over each spray of whiskers. "Let's go for a walk while we're up. I know a special place we could go, Flamerock showed it to me."

Rosepaw opened her mouth to say that the other patrols might need them, but Birchpaw had already taken off and she had no choice but to follow. They dashed through the undergrowth, Birchpaw stopping before a Rosebush. "Why did we stop?"

Birchpaw didn't answer, but pushed his way through the bush. As the leaves parted, Rosepaw could see a tunnel. It was about the same size as a small warrior, and Birchpaw slid in. Gulping air, Rosepaw ducked under the entrance and slid through. Darkness enfolded her, but she followed the white tip of Birchpaw's tail. When it suddenly felt like they had been walking for hours, a light appeared in front of them. Birchpaw seemed to pick up the pace, so Rosepaw padded faster.

The light opened up, and Rosepaw could see the river. Why wasn't it flooding closer to them? The fur on her neck started to bristle, but Birchpaw flattened it down with his tail. "What is it?"

Birchpaw walked forward, and leapt up. Instead of falling back down, he rested in mid-air. "It's just this weird Two-leg thing they built. It's fine, actually, it's a tunnel. Come on." He turned and padded further into the water. Or, tunnel that is.

Rosepaw hopped up, and could see a slight trail of dirt on the bottom, symbolizing the tracks of many cats. She padded along, watching the fish. She sat down beside Birchpaw when the tunnel ended. "This is amazing." She watched as the sun peaked out of the trees an shone over the water. Realizing she had been holding her breath, she let it out.

Birchpaw stood up. "Lets go." He dashed off quickly, and Rosepaw bounded after him. She quickly caught up to him, bundling out of the entrance. She attacked the rosebush. When she looked back, there was a trail in the leaves, and you could see the tunnel entrance. Birchpaw followed her gaze, gasping when he saw. "Get some rocks! Quick!" He dashed around, gathering pebbles, and closing the hole up. Rosepaw grabbed sticks, placing them in the Rosebush.

Birchpaw raced ahead. Rosepaw only had enough breath to run after him without saying a word.

They crashed into camp, and Rosepaw ran into Reedstorm's forepaws.

"Woah!" Reedstorm nosed her up. "Slow down! What were you doing? I'm leading the dawn patrol!"

Rosepaw searched through her mind for something and was about to open her mouth to say something when Birchpaw cut her off.

"We were hunting. But Rosepaw found a catmint bush so we were going to tell Honeyleaf about it."

"Tell me what?" Honeyleaf was trotting to the patrol.

Birchpaw spun around. "We think we saw a catmint bush."

Honeyleaf frowned. "I've searched everywhere on our grounds for catmint. Please, can you lead me to where you think there's some?"

Rosepaw nodded. "Yes, come on!" She tore out of the camp, and her heart thumped in her chest. Where would she go? She veered to the left, hoping that she could say that she mixed the smell with Marigold. The slope would come soon...

Rosepaw raced through a bush, and screeched to a stop. Pebbles that she touched went showering down the steep slope. Honeyleaf came out, and stopped. But Birchpaw had bolted right past Rosepaw, and her heart fell with him as his paws left the ground. Rosepaw watched in horror beside Honeyleaf as Birchpaw twisted in the air, landing with a dull thud on the ground below.

GAHHHHHHHH!!!!! This chapter was the hardest to write!!!!!!! I think I cried a little...*facepalm*

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