06: Horrified Looks From Everyone In The Room

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"Oh, there was a distinct look!" Stiles raised his voice, and Luna stomped on his toe with her heel to get him to shut the hell up. They were in a very suburban rich part of town, and the last thing they needed was some soccer mom to start yelling at them through their window. Stiles sighed, glancing up at the night sky as if pleading for divine strength. "The looks that say that the last thing you feel like doing is going to a party." He said more calmly.

"It's not that," Scott admitted, absently kicking a pebble down the sidewalk. "It just feels a little weird going to a different high school party."

Luna nodded in agreement, "You guys already have a hard time at our school's parties. What makes you think this will be any different?"

Stiles pinched her arm at that, clearly not appreciating the sneak diss about them being losers. Luna retaliated by pinching him back and then quickly moving to Scott's other side, out of Stiles' reach,

Scott, sandwiched between the two and now presuming the role of being a barrier, just kicked another pebble.

"One drink and you'll be fine." Stiles began, focusing more on Scott than Luna. Convincing Scott was the key; once he agreed, it would be two against one and she would have to go along with it. "I went to nursery school with this girl. She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So that means no Allison. It's time you move on, buddy."

Luna peaked her head forward to look past Scott at Stiles, head tilting slightly in confusion. Despite her indifference to the part of the fake dating plan involving Scott, Stiles was adamant that Scott was the one for Luna. He had faith enough for both of them.

However, the boy didn't look back at her, instead keeping his gaze fixed ahead. Clearly, he'd given up on his attempts at being a terrible wingman for her.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to either Stiles or Luna, Scott glanced down at his phone and saw a missed call from Allison. He stared at it for a moment, his finger hovering over the screen ready to reply before he remembered Stiles' words.

"You're right." He said firmly, tucking his phone back into his pocket.

Stiles grinned at him, "That's right I'm right!"

"Moving on," Scott confirmed, a new pep in his step.

"Onward and upward!" Stiles slung an arm over Scott's shoulder, bumping them into Luna's side so that they could overtake her while she stumbled. "That's what I'm talking about!" They turned down a walkway toward the door of an upscale house, and Luna watched as they did some elaborate high-five handshake—over the top, under, and over again.

"You guys are scaring the girls away," she deadpanned, only to smile when Scott's head seemed to whip around to look for said girls, only to find no one. She pushed her way between them and linked arms with both. "Okay! Let's go!"

"How's my breath? Do you have any gum?" Scott tripped over his words, turning to breathe right into Luna's face, prompting her to duck into Stiles' side to escape.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She exclaimed, her face contorted in disgust.

"Can you at least tell me what kind of party it is?" He whined to Stiles this time, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. How Scott even managed to land Allison was honestly a wonder. He had absolutely zero game. And how Luna herself used to think Scott was the sexiest motherfucker on the planet, again she had no idea.

Before Stiles could respond to Scott though, a beautiful, albeit slightly inebriated, girl veered towards them from her group of friends.

"Stiles!" She grinned wide and pretty, flinging her arms around his shoulders with enough force to make him stumble out of his linked arms with Luna before catching himself. Then, to the absolute shock of everyone, she planted a kiss right on his lips. "So happy you made it! Come help me pick out a bottle of wine."

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