14: Butterfly Effect

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Butterfly Effect

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Butterfly Effect

"I never wanted to be this in the first place, and all those things afterwards shouldn't have even happened. But here we are, and no matter how I look at it, it's all my fault."


They say that when bad things happen, good things are only waiting for you just on the horizon. But as the months went by and one after another, the bad things kept happening, Luna was beginning to lose hope in the possibility of there ever being anything good at the end of the dark tunnel called life.

Every time she'd rise, something would beat her back down into the dirt.

Every time she thought things couldn't possibly get worse, her world would suddenly shift on its axis and try to upend her.

She had plans for the weekend to finally confess to Stiles, to throw all of her feelings out in the open and hope for the best. But even something as normal and simple as teenage romance couldn't happen. Not when there was a crushing feeling of dread eating away at every soft and warm emotion she once had. It ate and ate away until there was nothing but scraps left in their places.

How could she share her love with him when she didn't even know if anything other than the feeling of defeat existed in the black hole of her existence?

"Luna? Come on, just keep your eyes open. I know you live for the drama, but now really isn't a good time to die. Please, just open your eyes."

Isaac's soft voice was the first thing Luna heard when she forced herself to shake away the darkness. Everything was hazy, her vision funnelling in and out to the point where it was making it hard to focus on anything in front of her. It especially didn't help that there was a pain searing through her body with every small bump that the bus went over and with every shout from Coach that she would vaguely snap awake to.

With all of the amplified sounds and constant jerking of the bus, she couldn't possibly fall asleep, which only made Isaac's constant murmurings in her ear for the past hour all the more aggravating.

"Just for a minute," she muttered, laying her head down on his shoulder once again. It didn't matter how much she tried to relax into his warmth; nothing was helping to unthaw the ice that settled deep in her aching bones.

Nothing could shake off the frost. The feelings only spread.

"You can't have a minute," Boyd's voice sounded off on her other side. He poked her in the cheek until she had no choice but to open her eyes to glare at him. She tried to shift over to poke him back but gasped when the pain in her shoulder flared back up, the feeling strumming through her veins and spreading throughout her body.

"This is torture. You guys are torturing me." Luna groaned, leaning forward to press her forehead against the seat in front of her, and that was how both Isaac and Boyd knew that something was very wrong. They shared a nervous look over her back, both well aware that the girl would never ever dare to touch a dirty bus seat to her face. Not when she was a self-proclaimed skincare enthusiast.

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