11: Repentance and Revenge

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Repentance and Revenge

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Repentance and Revenge

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. "


"Scott really is too naive if he thinks this will work. He's going to get himself killed."

"You know, for someone that had a crush on him for literally a million years, you sure don't have much faith, Luna."

Luna kicked her foot into the back of Isaac's seat hard enough to surprise him, "Hey! We don't talk about those days," she glowered, an embarrassed flush creeping up her cheeks. It seemed inescapable, her embarrassment from last semester. She kicked the seat again for good measure, watching as Isaac's blonde curls bounced as his head jerked forward."Besides, I'm a taken woman now, okay?"

Isaac caught her eye in the side mirror and raised an infuriatingly stupid eyebrow, "Sure. I give it two more weeks tops before you and Stiles are over. You could do so much better than him."

For a third time, Luna shoved at the back of Isaac's seat, this time going as far as leaning over to try and fully wrap her hands around his neck and give him a good strangle for both insinuating that she can't keep a man and that Stiles was below her league.

"If you break my car, I'll break your neck," Derek snapped, looking between the two scrapping, no longer able to ignore the shaking of the entire vehicle as they jerked around. Isaac let go of her hands from where he was trying to pry them off his throat and Luna withdrew them willing to put them up in mock surrender instead.

Little did Derek know, she'd already scuffed up the rims of his tires on her way over while running over a couple of curbs. But she wasn't gonna mention it if he hadn't noticed already. When he eventually did, he was gonna be blaming Isaac for it on pure instinct, so it was a win-win scenario for her regardless.

Sure, the boy had relatively no reason to be using Derek's car, but that didn't mean she wasn't gonna throw him under the bus anyway. It was nicer to imagine the scenario of Isaac facing Derek's fury playing out rather than focus on the one they were currently in.

With the engine off and parked under a single lampost, the three of them were camped out in a grocery store parking lot watching Scott wait for Argent to exit the grocery store.

Luna leaned forward over the console to peer out the windshield at where Scott was slowly making his way to Argent just a few yards away while the man loaded his groceries into his trunk.

After calling Scott about their discovery back at the pool, he'd finished by asking Luna to join them again because the more numbers they had against a rabid Boyd and Cora, the better.

Besides, she definitely didn't want to stick around when the deputies showed up at the murder site poolside. Sheriff Stilinski would inevitably clock her inability to reverse out of the parking lot in a nano-second and probably have to make a big show of arresting her in front of everyone so he didn't look biased.

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