04: A Blind Man and a Bald Man Walk Into a Bar

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CHAPTER FOUR: A Blind Man and a Bald Man Walk Into a Bar

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CHAPTER FOUR: A Blind Man and a Bald Man Walk Into a Bar

"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."


Luna's gaze lingered on the lone Motocross Bike parked in front of her, the cool metal gleaming under the sun's touch. Her attention then shifted to Scott, sitting on it, an apologetic smile tugging at his lips. "I don't have another helmet." He told her sheepishly like the sole helmet in his hands wasn't already a clear indicator. But that was frankly the least of their problems at the moment anyway.

She just stared at him and then looked down very pointedly at her outfit which was very unfit for a motorcycle, skirt and all.

Scott's eyes followed her line of gaze and his jaw dropped open in a 'o', eyes widening in a mix of realization and embarrassment as they settled on her legs. A crimson hue flushed his cheeks as he gaped for a moment too long.

"I'm wearing shorts underneath, you pervert." Luna snapped at him, her own cheeks mirroring his flush. Talk about absolutely mortifying...

His eyes shot back up to hers looking even more sheepish this time. "Um..." He trailed off, not really sure what to say.

"Okay, not ideal," Luna said slowly, ignoring him lest he embarrass her further. Her mind instead went on to more important matters, calculating all of the different ways they could make it work considering the absence of a helmet, the lack of rashguards, no pants, and the fact that it wasn't even an actual motorcycle meant for two people to ride comfortably on.

Scott seemed to figure it out for her, "Here." He shrugged off his denim jacket and handed it over, "To cover your legs from any rocks" he explained. Then, he offered his helmet to her, a gesture that she shook her head at.

"The helmet's yours. If you're driving, you should wear it," She told him easily, her tone leaving no room for any arguments. The last thing either of them needed was for a rock to fly into his eye mid-driving and for them to crash and die. She wrapped his jacket loosely around her waist and secured the sleeves with a quick knot and pull. With that done, she hoisted her bag over her shoulder and just clambered onto the bike behind him. It was definitely a tight fit, just like she thought it would be, but she managed to make it work, wrapping her arms tightly around his middle so his back was pressed flush against her front.

It was something that the Luna from a couple of months ago probably wouldn't even be able to imagine ever happening, even in her wildest dreams of romantic escapades. Scott and her riding a motorcycle together, their bodies pressed close, his jacket draped over her. It was all rather swoon-worthy, really.

Her hands wrapped around Scott, fully feeling up his well-defined torso and the subtle muscles hidden underneath the layer of his thin shirt. The way the warmth of his body heat, unnaturally running hotter as a werewolf, seemed to seep into her own body from her bare legs up and—

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