03: Unsettling

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"The scary thing about having insomnia isn't the hours lost for sleeping but the re-run of thoughts you've been trying to forget."


Under the heavy stares of everyone around her, Luna's heart raced and a growing sense of unease settled deep inside her stomach. She pulled away from Stiles and his hand fell from her face back down to his side. Then she looked back to her own hand to inspect it, her eyes stuck on the sight of the black blood so stark against her fingertips.

The memory of the last time any of them saw black blood flashed through everyone's minds, memories of Gerard's rejection of the bite. Whatever the reasoning was now definitely didn't bode well for Luna.

"What's happening?" Allison's voice trembled. Her eyes seemed stuck on the blood on Luna's face and all of a sudden she felt self-conscious.

"I don't know," Luna stammered, trying to keep her composure. She shook off Allison's grip on her arm and covered her face again. "It's probably from when Stiles hit the breaks. My face hit the seat."

Stiles and Scott exchanged worried glances, both unsure about what to do or even what to say. The tension in the air only seemed to grow at that point and Luna could do nothing but dab at her nose, hoping that maybe it was just a fluke or it was small enough not to be that big of a deal, yet the flow seemed never-ending and all she seemed to have done was just smear it around. It stained her lower face and lips, it dripped down past her hands onto the ground. It was disgusting and unsettling but nobody could take there's eyes off of the sight until Luna purposefully turned away to block them.

Lydia was the first to snap out of it, ever resourceful, and quickly ran back to the car. She didn't even spare a glance at the deer, half hanging through the front console, more focused on grabbing her purse and finding a tissue. "Here, use this to clean up," She pulled out a small travel pack of Kleenex and handed it to Luna, hands trembling only slightly.

"Thanks," Luna managed to mumble through her hands. She made an aborted motion to grab them but stopped when Lydia flinched away. The strawberry blonde's eyes focused on the blood all over Luna's pale hands, standing out starkly in the light of the Jeep's headlights.

Before the moment could get awkward though Stiles quickly stepped in and grabbed the tissues for Luna, ripping them out of the package and handing it to her. She accepted them silently and did her best to stop the bleeding and wipe it away from prying eyes.

The last thing she wanted was to make anyone uncomfortable but it seemed like she was already too late.

"Wait," Stiles piped up. When everyone turned to look at him, his previous worry seemed to be completely overridden with wonder. "Do you think this has something to do with the deer?"

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