02: Blood

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learnt about life: it goes on."


With an ice pack held to her head, Luna struggled for what felt like an unnecessarily long time trying to climb into the backseat of the Jeep. Sadly, the car didn't have any backdoors. It was a rough climb over and an even rougher landing, enough for her to groan out loud and sprawl out across the seat afterwards.

"If you guys hadn't called me, I wouldn't be dealing with a concussion right now," Luna muttered, her free hand coming up to weakly wave at Stiles and Scott who were waiting for her to get in before they did. It was the only thing they could see of her from her current position hidden behind the seats.

Stiles just scoffed, pressing his own ice pack against his head as he slipped in behind the wheel. "You're a freaking witch or something, and yet you still passed out because of a needle. I think that says more about you than about me." He slammed his door shut unnecessarily hard and both of them groaned.

Meanwhile, in the passenger seat, Scott seemed much more preoccupied with eying the bandage on his arm than taking part in Luna and Stiles' pettiness. His fingers came up to scratch at the wrapping and he let out an unexpected hiss of pain.

"You okay?" Luna questioned, worried that maybe they picked a shady tattoo place. She definitely didn't trust their judgement when it came to important matters like a permanent life-long tattoo—the needle could have been unsterile for all they knew.

"Kinda burns," Scott replied with a grimace.

"Yes, you just had your skin stabbed about a hundred thousand times with a needle," Stiles deadpanned, earning a nod of agreement from Luna. Well, she had to admit that he's got a point. Scott literally signed up for it as well.

Maybe he was just overreacting and being a wimp about it. But then again, she's literally seen him get stabbed and clawed and generally fucked up by all sorts of things back when the Kanima was still around, surely he'd be able to handle a little tattoo.

"Yeah, but I don't know if it's supposed to be like this," Scott muttered, his discomfort becoming more evident as he shifted uncomfortably. Suddenly, he sat up, a sharp wince crossing his face.

Just as alarmed, Luna sat up as well, ignoring the dizzy spots in the vision to stare incredulously at him.

"Oh, God," Stiles mumbled in disgust as he watched Scott poke at the wrapping nervously.

"No, it's definitely not supposed to feel like this," Scott said through the pain. "I think—I think I gotta take it off!"

Luna's jaw dropped open as Scott started to pull at the bandage, very clearly intending to rip it off. Maybe he was just having an allergic reaction or something, but surely during a time like this, he'd call his nurse mom before doing anything himself.

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