07: Lasting Impression

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CHAPTER SEVEN: Lasting Impression

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CHAPTER SEVEN: Lasting Impression

"The first time I kissed you. One kiss. I was totally hooked. Addicted to you."


The rest of the day after finding out about Ducalion's plans was spent with Derek giving Luna and Isaac strict orders to follow. Isaac was to stay at the loft and try to remember where exactly he found Erica and Boyd. When Luna suggested that she try her hand at finding the memory in Isaac's head, she was quickly shut down and ordered once again to go home, rest, and under no circumstances use her powers.

Derek emphasized that he needed her to pack in as many calories as she could, get plenty of rest, and be in bed the entire time or else he'd kick her ass which was a threat that Luna definitely didn't take lightly having experienced it before. All of the instructions were for the upcoming days ahead of them when they'd inevitably go after Isaac's lead and finally get Erica and Boyd once and for all.

There was no room for weakness anymore. She's been training for this moment for months and she sure as hell wasn't gonna mess it up.

However, she was allowed to attend school the next day, but with the strict directive not to share any of the forming plans with Scott or Stiles. Derek didn't want them to try and stop him and, honestly, Luna didn't exactly want them to worry either.

Of course, that didn't end up working out after all because she was quickly informed about a peculiar branded bruise on Lydia and Allison's wrists, something that they claimed couldn't be a coincidence. Thus, she was tasked with somehow getting Derek down to the school to give his opinion on the whole thing.

Lydia, Allison, and even Scott and Stiles seemed convinced that it was something important. And Luna really didn't want to waste any energy on fighting them about it. So, reluctantly, she agreed, understanding the gravity of the situation. Derek, however, wasn't pleased about being pulled away from his preparations. He stood in front of the group of teenagers, arms crossed, his irritation clear. Luna stood beside him, while Allison and Lydia extended their wrists toward them both to reveal identical symbols on their skin. Scott and Stiles observed from the side.

The entire time Scott was explaining to Derek, Luna was trying to ignore Stiles' very obvious attempts at getting her attention. She wasn't ignoring him per se, but she didn't necessarily want to talk to him about that stupid freaking kiss they shared.

It was stupid, the dumbest thing they could do considering that they were just friends pretending to be in a relationship, but it was also passionate with the way his fingers tangled in her hair and the way he pushed her back with the enthusiasm of it. It was meaningless, nothing more than a spur-of-the-moment type of thing to get Heather off their backs, but it was also something that felt like the first spark needed to ignite a fire with flames that just wouldn't burn out even twenty-four hours later. It was so very reckless, but also something that Luna could honestly not bring herself to regret no matter how much that familiar feeling of disappointment swirled deep within her chest.

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