Twenty Seven

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"*indistinct voices*... Come... *indistinct voices*... We need you..."

Voices. I hear indistinct voices. I try to open my eyes but I can't. It's dark. I can't see anything.

"*indistinct voices*... Come to us... *indistinct voices*... We're ready...."

The voices keep on lingering in my ears. I want to run but I can't see a thing. Suddenly, there are two lights in front of me. I froze when I realize that those red lights are actually red eyes.

"We're ready!"

I jolted awake and try to catch my breath. Cold sweats flow down my forehead as I try to calm my heartbeat.

A dream. It's just a dream. It seems so real!

I look to the other side of the bed and noticed that Myungsoo is not here. Where could he be? I wore my hoodie jacket and hop out of the bed.

"Myungsoo?" I call out. I look everywhere but he's not around. I am about to go out and look for him outside when I heard rustle from our bedroom.

This doesn't seem right. I'm sure someone's here. I got a knife from the kitchen and slowly walk to our room. The rustling stopped when I stood at the side of the door. Holding the knife with my shaking hands, I went in the room pointing the knife in front of me. No one's inside but the box which is full of my things is now on the floor. I look around me and sat on the floor after checking that no one's around.

Why is my box on the floor? I placed the knife near me and opened the box. Something is glowing. It is the glass container which I saw in our house after the incident which took away my aunt's life.

I took the glass container out of the box and stare at it. It's glowing orange and it's glowing brighter now when I held it. I shake the container and the thing inside it glows dark orange.


I jump at the sudden voice which came from the door. Thank goodness it's Myungsoo.

"Jeez, Myungsoo, you scared me!" I breathed out as I try to catch my breath. "Where have you been?"

He walks closer and half kneels beside me. "Just somewhere. What is this?" He took the glass container from my hand and examines it.

"I don't know. Just saw it from our house after the ghoul attacked my aunt," I said as I cover my box full of my stuff again. He suddenly held my wrist.

"Are you sure?" He asks. "Are you sure you got it from your house?"

"O-ow, Myungsoo, you're hurting me," I said and he lets go of my wrist. "Yes, I got that from aunt's house," I said as I rub my wrist. "Do you know what it is?"

He stood up and faced me. "Not sure yet, but there's one thing to find out." He helped me stand and he walks towards the door. "Come on."

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and followed him outside. He walks all the way to his car. "Where are we going?" I asked as we both hopped in the car.

He bends and tried to start the car using the wires. "Why don't you just use your keys?" I asked as I crease my eyebrows.

"I lost them," he simply said and the car starts. This is so unusual of him. He never lost his things for he is very careful of them. He starts to drive and I don't know where we are headed at.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask as I stare out of the window trying to figure out where we are now. He doesn't answer.


He stares at me and gave me a smile but I didn't feel any assurance not warmth from that smile. "Please tell me where we are going," I said as I stare at him.

"Just somewhere, honey," he said and focused himself on the road again. I look at him and creased my eyebrows.

"What?" He asks.

He never calls me honey. He only uses one endearment and that is 'babe'. He never hurts me but for the first time he did earlier. He tells me everything whenever I try to ask him but he is being secretive right now. What is happening to him?

"Are you alright?" I blurt out what's on my mind. He chuckles and glanced at me.

"I'm fine," he said.

I was about to say something when my phone suddenly rings. I fished my phone from my pocket and my eyes widen from what I am seeing right now.

MYUNGSOO's name appears on my phone screen. He is with me right now so how come he's calling me? I press the accept button and slowly bring the phone in my ear.

"Hey, babe, where are you? Why aren't you here in the bedroom?" My eyes widen more upon hearing Myungsoo's voice.

I look at the Myungsoo who I am with right now and there is a smirk plastered on his face. Who am I with right now?!


Omo! Who is with Minji? What will happen to her? Let's all find out on the next chappie.

Thank you so much for reading this fanfic. Thank you very kamsa~

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