Twenty Four

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Before anything else, I just want to make a shout out to my cute sister who has amazing Daragon fanfics, Kristetay09 . If you are a Daragon shipper then her works are perfect for you to read *winks*...

Okie, back to the main reason why you're here :-)...

We went back in our tent hand in hand and he squeezes it from time to time. We are about to reach our tent when a gush of air suddenly blew past us and I know that it is not just a normal wind. Both of us stopped from walking.

"Stay close," Myungsoo said.

"Well..Well... Look what we have here," a man suddenly appeared in front of us and I sensed that Myungsoo relaxed. Why will he be relaxed?

I felt someone touched my hair but when I looked back, no one's there.

"You're right, dude, her smell is so addicting," another man appeared in front of us and Myungsoo chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" I whispered.

"That's enough guys. You're scaring the girl," another man is walking towards us and he's with another man. Who are these four man in front of us?

"What's up, bro," one of them shoulder bumped with Myungsoo and the rest follow.

"They're my friends, babe," Myungsoo said.

"Ohh~ Babe~" they all teased and it made me blush.

"Will you stop it!" Myungsoo chuckles more. "This is Suho, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Xiumin," he introduces them all.

"Hi," the guy named Beakyun enthusiastically greeted me as he manly wrap his arm around Xiumin's shoulder.

"Hi," I shyly responded.

"What are you guys doing here?" Myungsoo asked them.

"We should be the one asking you that. We were waiting for you in our hide-out. We're about to start the celebration," Kyungsoo said which made me crease my eyebrows from confusion.

"Celebration?" I asked as I look at Myungsoo. "What for?" He just rub the back of his head and gave me that smile I can't resist.

"This guy didn't tell you?" Sehun asked me and I shook my head. He looks at Myungsoo and chuckled. "Why didn't you tell her, bro?"

"What for?"He continues to rub the back of his neck. "It's not that important."

"Tell me what?" I ask and stare at Myungsoo again but he just gave me a warm smile.

"It's his birthday today," Suho told me and Myungsoo gave him a sharp stare. My eyes widen from what I heard.

"It's your birthday?" I asked with my voice raised a little. "Why didn't you tell me?" I frustratingly asked.

"Chill, babe. It's not that important," he chuckles and tries to hold my hand but I jerked back. I'm not mad that he didn't tell me. I'm mad that I'm so dumb not knowing that it's my boyfriend's birthday. I was so selfish to think about only myself. He had already done a lot of things for me and yet I didn't know even simplest things about him.

"Come on, bro! Celebration's waiting in our hide-out," Kyungsoo beamed and drag Myungsoo with him by wrapping his hand around Myungsoo's neck.

"Come with us, Minji," Xiumin asked me with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"I don't think I could come," I politely refused and Myungsoo immediately reacted.

"Why? Why not?" he asked and his smile earlier turned into disappointment.

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